Home » Migrated » DECEMBER 05, 2011

DECEMBER 05, 2011

Monday of the Second Week of Advent

Reading 1: Isaiah 35:1-10

Psalm: Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14

Gospel: Luke 5:17-26

…some men brought on a stretcher a man who was paralyzed…

What pleases our Lord Jesus? The question seems to evoke so many answers, but one answer is found in the Gospel of today- our responsibility towards others. After being able to help someone, even if it means giving up our time and resources, we experience a deep sense of joy, a joy that buoys up and lightens our own burden.

The crippled man was brought down by some men in front of Jesus and when He saw his faith he forgave the sins of the man. However, Jesus saw not only the faith of the man but more so the faith of the men who lowered the helpless man. It only showed that Jesus was very well pleased with the efforts and resourcefulness of the men. If Jesus forgave the sins and healed the man who was brought to Him, what about the men who did much for the healed man? I could imagine the men coming from that event feeling very happy because not only they were able to help their companion, but also because they probably saw the approving smile of Jesus.

The Gospel, in a way, invites us to care not only to the members of our family or friends but also people outside these spheres, especially those who are unable or are in very difficult situations to do anything for themselves. However, the best care we could give, especially for those under our charge like our children, students or the needy are to bring them to our Lord Jesus.


Faculty, CSIT Department