Home » Migrated » DECEMBER 02, 2011

DECEMBER 02, 2011

Friday of the First Week of Advent

Reading 1: Isaiah 29:17-24

Psalm: Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14

Gospel: Matthew 9:27-31

“Jesus warned them sternly, ‘See to it that no one knows of this.’ But they went off and spread word of Him through the whole area.” —Matthew 9:30-31

Jesus healed two blind men, and “warned them sternly” not to let this healing be known (Mt 9:30). It wasn’t yet the right time in God’s plan to spread the news of Jesus’ works. The groundwork for revealing Jesus’ identity hadn’t yet been fully laid, and without the foundation, misunderstanding could result. Nonetheless, the newly healed men “evangelize,” but in disobedience (see Mt 9:31). These men had been marginalized in society. Perhaps they wanted to instantly re-establish their standing in society and weren’t willing to wait for Jesus’ physical healing to blossom properly into complete societal restoration. A similar “evangelization” occurred after Jesus healed a leper (see Mk 1:44-45), which prevented Jesus from entering towns openly.


We can disobey Jesus by witnessing at the wrong time or with the wrong motives. We can also disobey Jesus by holding our tongues when called to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout the earth.


This Advent, let’s “prepare the way of the Lord” (see Mk 1:3) by obeying Jesus quickly, completely, and in detail. Let’s not obey Jesus only partially, for that can obstruct details of His plan. By our detailed obedience, we “clear Him a straight path” rather than leaving Him a rocky road (Lk 3:4). “Obedience is better” (1 Sm 15:22).

Prayer: Father, give me “ears open to obedience” (Ps 40:7). Give me a heart quick to obey You in every detail.

