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DECEMBER 01, 2011

Thursday of the First Week of Advent

Reading 1: Isaiah 26:1-6

Psalm: Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27

Gospel: Matthew 7:21, 24-27

“Will Enter the Kingdom of God”

Many people during the time of Jesus followed him and listened to his teachings. What he taught to his people was not only applicable that time but also for us today. We listen to God’s word since we believe that in the end of time, we may be able to enter the kingdom of God. Hence, we know that it is not that easy to attain such longing. Jesus said that even if we call out to Him “Lord! Lord!” it will not guaranty us that we can already attain salvation. More than believing, following God’s will is the most important thing. Many people say that they believe in God, always visit the church and pray a lot but failed to practice what they believe. So, what do we really mean by true “Discipleship”? This question was answered by Jesus in this gospel. It is clear that being a disciple or having faith in Him are not enough; they should be put into action and we must follow the teaching of God.


gospel is an avenue for us to reflect and assess on how we live our lives in this world. It is a time to ask, are we doing the will of God? Does our faith in God reveal through our actions? If God would ask us, “If you will die today, will you be proud with what you have done in this World?”  If not, you better start it now.


Campus Minister