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CSIT Students Champions in 4th Regional CpE Student Challenge

CSIT students bag home several awards during the 4th CpE challenge

Three teams composed of College of Science and Information Technology (CSIT) students bagged several awards during the 4th Regional Computer Engineering Student (CpE) Challenge last September 12-14, 2019 at AdZU, La Purisima Campus.

Champions of the Logic Breadboarding Challenge is a team composed of Steffany Lorence Amin and Alen Troy Estrada; Abikhalil Ibbah and Matt Andrew Selibio’s team placed second in the Programming Challenge; and Andry Blair Gregorio, Rolly Songcayauon and Mary Nimrhode Tadifa’s team also placed second in the CpE Quiz Bowl. All three teams were coached by Janet Tan, CSIT faculty.

The competitions are an avenue to enhance student competency in problem solving using logic circuits design, computer programming, software engineering, and other related topics.

The 4th CPE Student Challenge is a part of the 2nd Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines (ICpEP) Convention that aims to gather CpE professionals and students for updates on the latest trends in the industry.

Congratulations, Blue Eagles!