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CSIT Faculty Awarded Outstanding Paper in International Conference

The College of Science and Information Technology is happy to announce that Dr Jocelyn D Partosa, a faculty of the Natural Sciences Department, was awarded the Outstanding Paper Award on Oct 23, 2009 during the dinner and closing ceremony of the 2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education in Taipei, Taiwan.  Dr Partosa presented the paper “Pre-service Biology Teachers Knowledge Structures of Photosynthesisduring one of the sessions in the conference.

Another Natural Sciences department faculty, Mr Michael Jay M Solis, is also scheduled to present his paper “Marine-derived Fungi from Kappaphycus Alvarezii and K. Striatum as Potential Causative Agents of Ice-ice Disease in Farm Seaweeds” in Taichung, Taiwan.  He will present his paper during the Asian Mycological Congress (AMC 2009) and the 11th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium (IMFMS) which will be held on Nov 15-19, 2009 at the National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan.

Earlier this semester, Dr Rocheleo E Mariano, faculty of the Mathematics department, presented papers in international conferences in Athens, Greece and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.