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Creation of Development Committee

24 September 2009



I am pleased to inform you of the creation of Development Committee (DevCom) effective today.  DevCom is tasked to do the following:

  1. generate ideas on how to raise alternative revenues for the university apart from tuition and fees;
  2. advise the President on strategic directions and programs connected with fund raising; and
  3. engage the different sectors of within our university, our alumni and other stakeholders of the Ateneo here and abroad on fund sourcing.

The beneficiaries of this revenue sourcing program are the following:  1) students (scholarships and “pan kada dia” program), 2) faculty and staff (professorial, faculty and research chairs), 3) local communities (outreach/extension programs, and 4) university (physical construction).

The members of DevCom are the following:  Fr Edwin Gabriel Ma U Castillo SJ (Chair), Br Raymund E Belleza SJ, Mr Oscar F Carzada, Mr Conrado Z Balatbat, and Ms Sheila L Pagotaisidro.  From time to time, they will invite others whose expertise could be tapped to achieve their mandate.

I thank the members of this committee for their generosity and availability in taking charge of this very important work.

Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 09-10: 26