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Commemorating Former President Corazon C Aquino’s Life and Legacy

03 August 2009



Yesterday, the government declared 05 August, Wednesday, as a special nonworking holiday “to give Filipinos a chance to pay their respects and appreciation” to former President Corazon “Cory” C Aquino.  There will be no offices and classes at all levels on this day.

In gratitude to Cory, I urge our Ateneo community to make this week a time to commemorate and relive her life and legacy.  This is also a moment of solidarity in prayer and in spirit with our people.  I hope the story and legacy of Cory will be retold in our classes (when applicable), conversations and organized activities.  To this end, I strongly urge participation and wear something yellow in the following activities:

  • 03 August, Monday, 5.30 PM – Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar to be led by Abp Romulo G Valles, Archbishop of Zamboanga. Undergraduate classes on this day will end at 5.10 PM. Transportation will leave immediately after classes infront of LRC.
  • 04 August, Tuesday, 4.00 to 5.30 PM – Interreligious Service, MPCC. (Classes will be suspended during this time.  Offices will remain open but the extent of operation will be determined by the office heads.)  Please bring candles.

Fr Wilfredo M Samson SJ, Asst to the President for Formation and the Social Development Council, will coordinate all our activities connected with our prayer for Cory and commemoration of her life and legacy.

I wish to express our solidarity with the Filipino people who are mourning the loss of a great leader of democracy. Not only did she lead the country to oppose the dictatorship, she set the stage for us to reclaim our most cherished dream: democracy.  Let Cory’s life and legacy remain in our lives.  Let us exercise meaningfully our citizenship for our nation.  Her death has united our people just as she did in the run-up to our democratic transition in 1986.  May this unity bear fruit in nation building.

For our consideration and guidance.


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 09-10:17