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Circulation Section Overview

The Circulation Section houses and takes charge of the general collection of the library. Books are arranged on the shelves according to the Library of Congress Classification.

Information Assistance

The Circulation Section has the following obligations:

  • To loan books for home use.
  • To render full assistance to readers in using the library and its materials.

How to Borrow Book/s

Present your school ID with books to be borrowed at the Circulation Desk.

  • A college student may borrow a maximum of 3 books at one time for 3 days.
  • A graduate student may borrow a maximum of 5 books for 7 days.
  • Part-time faculty may borrow 7 – 10 books per semester/summer. Full-time faculty may borrow a maximum of 15 books in a semester/summer.

Do not leave your IDs after having checked out the book/s in the Circulation Desk.

Please present the library materials that you borrowed to the Control Area for checking.

How to Return

Check in the borrowed books at the Circulation Desk. Present your school ID together with the borrowed books.

Do not leave your IDs after having the books are checked in.

Note: All borrowed materials must be returned at the Circulation desk on or before the due date. Otherwise, the user shall be asked to pay overdue fines.

Overdue Materials

Overdue fines are charged according to the following:

  • Reserved books – P 1.00/hour, P0.50 for the succeeding hours
  • General Collection – P 0.50 a day/book
  • ASRC Collection – P 0.50 a day/book
  • Graduate Collection – P 0.50 a day per book

Delinquent borrowers are reminded of their overdue account. Names are posted at the Circulation Bulletin Board monthly plus overdue notices will be sent out.

  • First notice will be sent 2 weeks after the overdue date and if there is no response, a warning for the first offense will be indicated on the borrower’s card.
  • Second notice will be sent out 2 weeks after the first notice was sent.
  • The third notice will be sent out 2 weeks after the 2nd notice with the duplicate copy to be given to the Finance Office.

No delinquent borrowers are allowed to borrow unless all library accounts are settled.

How to Renew

A book may be renewed once or twice by the library user if it is not in demand or not on hold bor another reader. Renewals are made at the circulation counter. Transactions made over the telephone will not be entertained.

Lost and Damage Materials

Please report immediately any lost or damaged library materials to avoid paying overdue fines in addition to the replacement cost.


  • Silence must be always observed inside the library. We ask that you refrain from loud talking, eating, smoking, sleeping, and littering.
  • Students who do not observe this regulation will be asked to leave the library.
  • Courtesy must be practiced in the library especially when loaning or returning books and other materials at the loan desk.

Reserved Books

The Reserve Area is on closed shelves. Books that are often loaned and are used in the program curriculum are placed in the Reserved Section to provide all students access to the books. All books in the Reserved Section are on a one-hour loan basis only and may be renewed for another hour if not needed by other students.

Books for overnight use are borrowed at 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday; 5:30 p.m. Saturday and should be returned at 8:00 a.m. the next service day.