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CCES holds Culminating Activity for the Busog, Lusog, Talino Project

CCES holds Culminating Activity for the Busog, Lusog, Talino Project

A culminating activity was held by the Center for Community Extension Services for its Busog, Lusog, Talino project on Friday, April 11 at the LRC Conference Room, Fr. Eusebio Salvador Campus.

The activity was held to celebrate the success of the program for the last three years with two schools completing the three-year partnership. The ceremony was graced with the presence of Pedro Melchor M. Natividad, CSEE, Officer-in Charge, Schools Division Superintendent; Mary Ruth A. Yanga, MD, Head of the Health and Nutrition Department; district nurses, school principals, and teachers from Talisayan, Sangali, Lunzuran, Sinunuc and Mercedes Elementary Schools; Janed Chan, CCES Program Officer, and Loreta R. Sta. Teresa, CCES Director.

The Busog, Lusog, Talino (BLT) Project is an in-school feeding program being implemented by CCES in partnership with the Jollibee Group Foundation and the Department of Education. It aims to improve the nutritional status of the school-aged children, improve their attendance and academic performance, and promote community participation. The three-year project was piloted in Sangali and Talisayan Elementary Schools in 2011 with 40 undernourished pupils per school being fed from Monday to Friday for a total of 136 days. In school year 2012-2013, Lunzuran Elementary School became its beneficiary, adopted and co-implemented by Ateneo High School, and recently expanded to Sinunuc Elementary and Mercedes Central Schools.

This school year, Sangali and Talisayan Elementary Schools officially completed the three-year partnership and will continue to sustain the program for the succeeding school years through DepEd and community support.

For the last three years, the project was able to rehabilitate 345 (86%) undernourished pupils in the five schools with about 98% of kids completing the 136-day feeding program, annually. It has also attracted local funders both from the local government unit and private sectors to ensure the sustainability of the project. The project is expected to expand and prioritize schools with the highest malnutrition rates in the city for the overall improvement of the nutritional status of school-aged children.