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Cancellation of our Institutional Party Tomorrow

20 December 2011




After consulting the Deans and the members of the Core Presidential Management Team (PMT), I decided to cancel the traditional university-wide party tomorrow afternoon.  Members of the Core PMT unanimously feel that AdZU would like to express its solidarity with the victims of Typhoon Sendong.  The recollection will still push through as scheduled.  Lunch will be served after the recollection.  The money that would have been used for this party will be donated to Tabang Sendong Quick Response operation which is coordinated by Xavier University (XU) – Ateneo de Cagayan.  Instead of having the party, I invite the administration, faculty and staff to do volunteer work after the recollection by soliciting and collecting donations and sorting out items in the Brebeuf Gym to be transported to XU.  I further invite our people to donate part or the whole of their day’s wage for the typhoon victims.  This can be arranged through the Finance Office.

These are trying moments for all of us as a people.  I pray that the meaning of Emmanuel, God-is-with-us, may truly take root in our lives and God may be born in our hearts.

I thank the generosity and compassion of our AdZU community.

Have a Blessed celebration of Christmas, a season of hope and love.


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 11-12:35