Home » President's Memos » Campus Entry Guidelines as of May 25, 2020

Campus Entry Guidelines as of May 25, 2020

To: AdZU Commmunity
Re: Campus Entry Guidelines as of May 25, 2020

MEMO 19-20:36

Please note the following guidelines in entering our campuses beginning Monday, May 25, 2020:

1.     Under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) status of the City, entrance to our campuses remains restricted to those with given permission. Students are still not allowed to enter the campuses. To enter the campuses, faculty and staff need to ask permission from their respective office and unit heads (Directors, Principals, Deans, Assistants to the President, Vice Presidents), who in turn will get clearance from the Human Resource Administration and Development Office Director Engr Aldrin Hitalia, and the President. The request to enter campus should be submitted at least two days before the intended date of entry. This procedure will allow us to control the number of people in campus, regulate the contact and interaction among them, as a critical precaution against possible spread of the virus.

We will allow transactions with the finance office for tuition fee payments by parents, and their entry will be regulated as well.

2.     For the next two weeks, works and operations in campus will be kept at the minimum and by a skeletal staff, covering the following activities: preparations for the incoming summer term and school year (recruitment, admission, registration, curriculum design, IT services, training in new learning and teaching, etc.), finance, human resources, health protocols, community outreach, PPO works, supply procurement, security.

3.    Our University infirmaries and health personnel have installed safety and screening protocols for entry. Please cooperate with these measures to be implemented at the gates of our campuses. Wearing of facemasks is required. Body temperature will be checked, and an information checklist will be filled up. Further examination and consequent health procedures might be required. Vehicles will be disinfected. There will be a new scheme for movement of persons and vehicles. For details, please read the Protocols here: https://host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp/protocols-for-screening-at-the-entrance-of-salvador-campus/

These guidelines are effective beginning Monday, May 25, 2020, until the release of new guidelines (which will be based on measures promulgated by the City Government and school authorities).

We thank everyone for your cooperation as we prioritize keeping our campuses safe and healthy during these critical times of the pandemic.
