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Call for Research Proposal


We are happy to announce that the Ateneo Research Center is now accepting proposals under the Research Chair program.






  1. Interested proponents shall submit their concept papers (with attached recommendation from their Dean/Principal/Unit Head) to ARC in electronic or hard copy using the prescribed format.
  2. ARC shall deliberate and identify qualified entries. Should the number of proposals submitted exceeds ten (10), the ARC shall select only the top 10 papers.
  3. The proponent/s of the selected concept papers shall be requested to submit a full-blown proposal.
  4. ARC shall convene a Research Review Committee (RRC) for each of the selected proposal for review and final approval.


Proponents of accepted research proposals shall enjoy the following privileges:

  • Recognition for research accomplishment
  • Opportunity to Publish and present research on local or national level
  • Earn points for Ranking and Promotion
  • Favorable work schedule
  • Continuation of full salary plus Stipend and Honorarium



  • March 31, 2010 – Deadline of submission of entries. Submit proposals both in e-copy and hard copy.
  • 1st Week of April 2010 – Deliberation of entries by ARC
  • 2nd Week of April to – Dissemination of results to those who submitted entries
  • 1st Week of May 2010 – Deliberation of the RRC
  • June 2010 – Start of Implementation of the approved research projects


***the format of the concept paper can be downloaded from the ARC downloadables section.


For more information visit or call:

Room 206, LRC building
991-0871 local 1201 or 1200
Or email us at: adzu_arc@yahoo.com