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TO: Management 201A students (Production/Operations Management)
FROM: Maynard Bagtasos

Please be informed that the deadline for the submission of your Insight Paper is on October 9, 2013 (Wednesday).
Please give this to the guard on duty at the main gate of Tumaga Campus.
For your guidance and compliance.


Please remind your faculty to come to school for at least 21 hours a week until the last week of the semester.


Deans should monitor attendance.


Departments or Colleges may also start discussing how the college can be involved in projects for the rehabilitation of the city/evacuees. Collaboration with critically selected government or non-government institutions is encouraged.


We will need to record our involvements for a report to the new president. We will also require the faculty to record what activities they have used as substitutes for classes during the rest of the first semester.


To be submitted:

· Name of Teacher/Class and Section

· Class Syllabi

· Substitute Activities for Missed Classes

· Mode of Assessing the Students’ Final Grade


Thank you.

Rebecca V. Fernandez

Academic Vice President


    To my Mgt 208 A and Mgt 208 B students:

    Students who were not able to present their topics should email to joydajuela9269@yahoo.com the copy of their presentation. Once sent, there will be question/s that will be asked from you based on your presentation and email again the answer. All activities after mid-term including the presentation of the individual topic for research will be the basis for second quarter grade. Your final grade will be the average of your mid-term grade and 2nd quarter grade. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

    Thank you and take extra care all the time anywhere you go.

    Your subject moderator,

    Dr. Joy L. Dajuela


    To my Entre 300 B students:


    Please submit your green envelope that contains your journal notebook and other output of the different class activities anytime next week. Just give it to the guard at Gate 1 La Purisima St., ADZU. Your final grade will be the average of the mid-term grade and the 2nd quarter grade.

    Thank you and God bless.

    Your Entre 300 B moderator,

    Dr. Joy L. Dajuela


    To my BPract 102 A students:


    I will meet the class on October 8, 2013 from 9:30 – 12:00 in room Lab 1 at ADZU Tumaga Campus. Please submit also all the drills from Drill 13 to 18 on October 8. I will allow you to make drills 17 and 18 outside of the classroom but not the drills 13 to 16. Bind them using white folder including drills 17 and 18 even uncheck. Please bring also 2 sheets short bond paper.

    Thank you and see you on Tuesday.

    Your subject teacher,

    Dr. Joy L. Dajuela