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Budget Preparation & Submission SY 2012-2013

DATE        : October 18, 2011


FROM        : Br. Raymund E. Belleza, SJ
                  University Treasurer

RE            : Budget Proposals for SY 2012-2013

This month we will start our budget preparation for SY 2012-2013, we have attached the guidelines for budget proposals. Due to the policy of our President for a paperless transactions we will do all the budget preparation electronically. We will also forward to you via email documents needed for the preparation of the budget. You have to send to us the email of the person in charge of preparing the budget.  The budget guidelines will be strictly followed.

Please take note of the schedule of budget preparation and deadlines. Late submission of budget proposal will not be accepted. Budget Proposals must be sent via EMAIL electronically. Please contact Ms. Joan Landerito email landeritomajr@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp our budget officer for any inquiries or questions .

Thank you

Schedule of budget preparation, deadlines and hearings for SY 2012-2013

Unit                    Budget Preparation             Budget Deadline        Budget Hearings

Central Services    Oct. 24-Nov. 18, 2011    Nov 21, 2011        1st week of Dec
& Offices

Colleges/GS/HS/SOM  Oct 24-Nov. 25, 2011     Nov. 28, 2011        2nd week of Dec
Graduate School



1) Standard Budget proposal format will be emailed to you no other format will be accepted. Please inform Ms. Joan Landerito email landeritomajr@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp where to send the email.

2) Unit/Dept/Office will also receive figures from their budget performance for the last 2 years and budget for this school year 2011-2012

3) Please include Unit/Dept/Office goals and objectives for the school year

4) Average increase of items should not exceed 5.0%

5) In terms of operational expenses do not include items which were not budgeted previous years

6) Attachments to support the budgets should be complete with all the details, you can asked assistance from the following offices:
a. PCO for pricing of office supplies and other equipments
b. HRADO for salaries and benefits
c. PPO  for quotations of furniture or improvements (including aircon  installments)
d. CITS for computer related requests
e. Finance Office for projected tuition and fees

7) Representations and local travel are standardized

8) For your Capital Expenditures prioritize or request items by phases.

9) Capital Expenditures should not exceed 8.0% from last year’s budget,

10) Always planned ahead to avoid any supplemental budget

11) Deadlines for submission of ELECTRONIC budgets via EMAIL will be strictly followed late submission will not be accepted