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The unending experiences of armed hostilities in Mindanao have resulted to scenarios of displacement of thousands of people over and over again. Often, the people who are forced into migrating to their own territories are looked upon as helpless and incapacitated to provide for their basic needs. Thus, by design, aid agencies and other humanitarian organizations make their presence felt in areas where the internally displaced persons (IDPs) are to provide for what they perceive as the things these IDPs need. But are the IDPs really helpless? 
The Social Development Council (SDC) of Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU) presents:

Special Public Lecture and Book Launching Activity entitled “Bakwit” 

By Jose Jowel Canuday

on July 15, 2010 (Thursday) at 3:00 p.m. at the Carlos Dominguez Conference Hall, 
Ateneo de Zamboanga University (Main Campus), La Purisima Street, Z.C. 
Our resource person affiliates with MindaNews and the Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue. He was a Southeast Asian Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre in the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He is currently a fellow of the International Fellowships Program of the Ford Foundation.

For further details and inquiries, please call the ADZU trunkline (062) 991-0871 local 4200 and 4201 (look for Vilma) or local 2224 and 2225 (Alma).