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Ateneo this week, February 9 – 15, 2015

Date: 6 February 2015

Weekly Memorandum No. 2015 – 2.1

TO: AdZUHS Community

FROM: Father Principal

SUBJECT: Ateneo this week, February 9 – 15, 2015

1. Principal’s Message:

We all need to evaluate our attitude from time to time. This checklist will help you reduce your burnout factor.


· That besides mother and father, you are the most important person in the world to your students?

· That the talkative boy in the third row might become the doctor who saves your life?

· That the scientists working to protect your future once sat in a classroom at the year level which you teach?

· That lifelong scars are caused by a single statement made by teachers?

· That almost every “off-the-cuff” remark that you make is retold over the student’s supper table?

· That children respect a tough teacher more than a pushover?

DO YOU. . .

· Ever hate Mondays?

· Ever call a child “dumb”?

· Really like children?

· Ever transfer that feeling to your students?

· Ever pay attention as much attention to the girl with ragged shoes as to the one with new patent leather shoes?

· Ever come to school unprepared?

· Ever get angry when your students do the same?

· Ever rebel at that “extra” that’s asked of you?

· Really like teaching?


· Take a sincere interest in every student who enters your classroom?

· Stand by and support your fellow teachers in all of their school endeavors?

· Support your P.T.A.?

· Strengthen yourself by taking graduate studies course?

· Continue to read and bring yourself up to date in the field of education?

Fred and Carol Chernow

2. Characteristic of Jesuit Education: Jesuit education assists in the total formation of each individual within the human community. God is especially revealed in the mystery of the human person, “created in the image and likeness of God”; Jesuit education, therefore, probes the meaning of human life and is concerned with the total formation of each student as an individual personally loved by God. The objective of Jesuit education is to assist in the fullest possible development of all of the God-given talents of each individual person as a member of the human community.

3. Activities and Events for February 9 – 15, 2015


a. 9, Monday * Morning assembly Sponsors: Socio-Civic Cluster

* 8AM mass: Gr. 7 Bellarmine Moderator: Ms. Ivy I. Fernando

b. 10, Tuesday

c. 11, Wednesday * 8AM mass: Gr. 7 Campion Moderator: Bro. John Eric E. Esteba, SJ

* Seniors’ Final Exams Day 1

d. 12, Thursday * Seniors’ Final Exams Day 2

e. 13, Friday * 8AM mass: Gr. 7 Claver Moderator: Ms. Fhadzmalyn A. Issan

* Seniors’ Final Exams Day 3

* 1PM: Juniors-Seniors’ Prom Final Practice (Aurelio Nepomuceno gym)

f. 14, Saturday Juniors-Seniors’ Prom, 1pm – 8pm.

(Your presence is required; pls. see the principal if you can’t make it )

4. Faculty updates:

a. Fr. Stephen T. Abuan, SJ and Ms. Rosie M. Hong will be in Cebu on February 9 – 10 for a Principals’ Formation Program. They will be back to work on February 11, Wednesday. In their absence, Fr. Gil Donayre SJ will be acting principal, to be assisted by Mr. Santi Araneta and Mr. Pilamer Araneta.

b. Fr. Principal will represent the AdZU academic sector in the whole-day Philippine Business for Education (PBeD) summit to be held in Garden Orchid Hotel on February 13, 2015. This summit will gather all leaders from the different sectors of the city. Ms. Rosie Hong will be AdZUHS OIC on the said date.

c. Mr. Espie Atilano, Mr. Giovanni Jasmin, and Ms. Beverly Tampipi will attend the lecture of Professor Ambeth R. Ocampo on Effective Teaching of Philippine History and Rizal Course on February 13, 2015, at the Campion Lecture Hall, Fr. Eusebio G. Salvador SJ Campus, of Ateneo de Zamboanga University.


5. Student accomplishments:

a. Congratulation to the following student-athletes who participated in the CEAP Mindanao Games 2015 held in Davao on January 29 to February 1, 2015. The AdZUHS contingent received a total of 15 silver medals. The following are the winners and events.

i. Chess (boys and girls)

§ Aaron Tan Gr. 9 Garnet

§ Carl Angelo Plaza Gr. 8 Ogilvie

§ Carmelie Anne Plaza Gr. 7 Pongracz

§ Crizzle Bustillor Gr. 7 Britto

Coach: Mr. Rey Reyes

ii. Taekwondo (Boys and Girls)

§ Algenne Marhee P. Amiruddin Gr. 8 Xavier

§ Mary Lleanne P. Amiruddin Gr. 7 Bellarmine

§ Brandon D. Recinto Gr. 8 Realino

§ Masaru A. Miyake Gr. 8 Pignatelli

Coach: Mr. Cesar Oliver A. Basilio

iii. Volleyball (girls)

§ Lady Nylecoj B. Badiang Gr. 9 Kostka

§ Flynnie Madelle R. Milan Gr. 9 Realino

§ Gianna I.Torres Gr. 8 Lewis

§ Aerin M. Rubio Gr. 8 Realino

§ Mary Faye C. Alba Gr. 7 Regis

§ Louise Ann M. Narciso Gr. 7 Regis

§ Myka M. Salian Gr. 7 Campion

Coach: Mr. Randolf Ong



by Stan Toler

Teaching facts is easy. You can train a parrot to repeat information, but it’s more difficult to get it to apply that information to its birdcage life. Teaching is more than tossing facts into the classroom atmosphere like cut flowers. It is more like planting a garden. It involves careful preparation, faithful sowing, tender watering, and a determination to keep the weeds of error from interfering with growth.

The goal of teaching is understanding, not mere knowledge. Students haven’t really learned until they are able to translate your truths into daily living. Math is more than numbers; it is a problem-solving tool that your students may use to build a career. Computer skills go beyond terms and technologies. Real skill is learning how to use that instrument for individual or corporate blessing.

Teach until the lights go on – until vague principles become vital paths where wondering minds will begin a glorious journey. Comprehension is more important than memorization. Until a student learns to apply facts to faith, the learning cycle is not complete.

Always show students what to do with what they know.