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Announcement : Consultation and Enrollment

To all BSAC, BSMA, and BSAT students:

Please note the following PROCEDURE for this semester’s CONSULTATION and ENROLLMENT

(1st Semester, SY 2014-2015)

STEP 1: Check the ADZU portal for your subjects and schedules. This information will be available starting Monday, June 2, 2014.

STEP 2: Compare your prospectus and your list of prerequisities with the schedule in the ADZU portal.

STEP 3: If you AGREE to the schedule in the ADZU portal, click ENROLL and you may proceed to the Finance Office to complete your enrollment. (NOTE: You are not required to go to the Registrar’s Office or the Student Activity Center to print a validated form of your enrolled subjects.)

If you DO NOT AGREE to the schedule in the ADZU portal or if NO SCHEDULE APPEARS in the ADZU portal, please go to the SMA Office on June 2 through June 6, 2014 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM) for consultation.

For SHIFTERS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS, you may go to the SMA Office on June 2 through June 6, 2014 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM) for consultation.