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Alumni Fun Run Benefit College Scholars

Alumni Fun Run Benefit College Scholars

The last of the three major events of the Alumni Midyear homecoming was the Fun Run dubbed “Run for Others. Run for a Gift of Education” held on July 19, 2015.

Participants of the fun run assembld in the early morning hours of that Sunday at the Fr. Willam Kreutz, SJ Campus in Tumaga. Kreutz Campus was both starting point and finish line. The activity was participated in by government and private agencies and schools in the city. Two Zumba sessions was condcuted before and after the run.

The race had three categories: 7k; 5k and 1k. The Gun start for 7k was at 5:15am; 5k at 5:30am and 1k at 5:45am.

Proceeds of this event will go to a scholarships program for qualified and deserving incoming ADZU nursing students.

The activity was organized by the Board Members and Officers of ADZU Alumni Association, Inc and the Alumni Relations and Development Office together with the ADZU-BSN Plexus 1990.