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AdZU’s Guidance Office holds Leadership training for Philhealth

AdZU’s Guidance
Office holds Leadership training for Philhealth

the effort to continually improve leadership in the workplace, a series of
training sessions on Leadership Q-Sort Test (LQT) was held last August 2017 in
Pasig City, by the Ateneo de Zamboanga University’s College Guidance and
Counselling Office with Philhealth, in partnership with Health Alternatives for
Total Human Development Institute, Inc. or HealthDev, an Ateneo de Manila
University based-NGO.

The LQT is a standardized test that assesses
the leadership values of
an individual.
The series of training sessions, consisting
of an orientation, test interpretation and a planning workshop, were held in connection
with the HealthDev’s research project with Philhealth, “Determination of PhilHealth’s
Leadership Index” using an in- House Developed Competency assessment Tool
covering the government insurance agency’s formal and informal leaders.

College Guidance and Counseling Office director Norma A Baluca, gave an
in-depth presentation and interactive discussion on understanding the LQT
protocol, effectively relaying individual test results interpretation to
leaders with ease and confidence, and handling learning sessions on the

in the orientation included Human Resource Officers, staff, CorPlan personnel
and HealthDev Coordinators from PhilHealth’s regional and central offices and the
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD).

speakers from partner agencies included Henry Almanon and Dennis Formadero of
PhilHealth, Josephine Callejo, pyschometrician/counselor of Emmaus Center in Ateneo
de Manila University, Executive Director Rosemarie Herrera, executive director
of HealthDev and Dr Sandra M Libunao, project team leader of HealthDev.

project was initiated in partnership with the Philippine Council for Health
Research and Development (PCHRD), with HealthDev Institute as sponsor and the
implementing agency; PhilHealth as cooperating agency, and the Ateneo de
Zamboanga University.