Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZUHS this week, September 21 – 26, 2015.

AdZUHS this week, September 21 – 26, 2015.

Date:  18 August 2015

Weekly Memorandum No. 2015 – 9.3

TO:                      AdZUHS Community
FROM:                  Father Principal

SUBJECT:             AdZUHS this week, September 21 – 26, 2015.

  1. 1. Principal’s Message:

    Mens sana in corpore sano.  A healthy mind in a healthy body.  We congratulate the team players for playing their hearts out.  There was a lot of team effort.  We saw what team work can do.  We saw how individual talent and skill, when put together in an organized way, can accomplish for us.

    I congratulate the winners in the various contests.  I take my hat off to those who helped out in the competitions – teachers and students who went the distance, who responded above and beyond the call of duty, who gave without counting the cost.  Thank you very much.

    Kudos to the following for heading the committees assigned to them:  Mr. Erwin G. Pelayo (Steering Committee, and Sports Tournament);  Mr. Reynaldo Lomocso (Decorations and Logistics);  Mr. Ramsyss M. Andaya (Program and Activities/Presentation);  Ms. Minnie G. Bello (Documentation);  Mr. Pilamer J. Araneta (Campus Parade);  Mr. Dennis R. Gaspar, Ms. Marlyn W. Rico, and Ms. Rosemae T. Atilano (Vocal Solo, Cheer Dance, and Pop Dance);  Dr. Delma Catherine T. Usman (Medical Team), Mr. Rowil H. Santinlo (Awards, Results, and Tabulation), and MAPEH Department (Food and Snacks).

    2. Characteristic of Jesuit Education (CJE):

    Jesuit education acknowledges God as the Author of all reality, all truth and all knowledge. God is present and working in all creation: in nature, in history and in persons. Jesuit education, therefore, affirms the radical goodness of the world “charged with the grandeur of God”, and it regards every element of creation as worthy of study and contemplation, capable of endless exploration.

    3. Student and Faculty Updates

    a. Congratulations to the following winners in the Philippine National Game 2015 held in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur last September 8 – 14, 2015.

    i. Futsal/Football Girls Team (Gold Medal)

    Aubreyrose Francheska L. Eustaquio Gr. 10 Garnet

    Lemerie C. Acebron Gr. 10 Garnet                                                    Roshan Marie V. Gonzaga Gr. 10 Brebeuf

    Rania A. Nasilin Gr. 10 Evans

    Tomirose Cayla M. San Juan Gr. 10 Kostka

    Mariel Nicole M. Dimaano Gr. 10 Kostka

    ii. Badminton Girls (Silver Medal)

    CJ Joy P. Bondoc Gr. 10 Kostka

    iii. Taekwondo Boys (Silver Medal)

    Masaru A. Miyake Gr. 9 Pignatelli

    Brandon D. Recinto Gr. 9 Realino

    iv. Taekwondo Girls

    Algenne Marhee P. Amiruddin Gr. 9 Xavier

    v. Archery Girl

    Jobelle Kenya Enriquez Gr. 9 Ogilvie

    b. Results of the 2015 Intramurals

    Grade Level











    1st Runner-up






    2nd Runner-up






    3rd Runner-up






    Sports Events




    Track and Field (Boys)

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Gr 7

    Track and Field (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Gr 7

    Basketball  (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Football (Boys)

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Gr 10

    Football (Girls)

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Gr 10

    Sepak Takraw (Boys)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Sepak Takraw (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Volleyball (Boys)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9

    Gr 7

    Volleyball (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Table Tennis (Boys)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9

    Gr 8

    Table Tennis (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Gr 7

    Badminton (Boys)

    Gr 10

    Gr 7

    Gr 8

    Badminton (Girls)

    Gr 10

    Gr 7

    Gr 8

    Chess (Boys)

    Gr 9

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Chess (Girls)

    Gr 7

    Gr 10

    Gr 8

    Non-Sports Events





    Gr 10

    Gr 7

    Gr 9

    CheerDance (Category A)

    Gr 8

    Gr 7

    CheerDance (Category B)

    Gr 10

    Gr 9


    Gr 8

    Gr 7

    Gr 10

    c. Health Care Services NC II course program.  Ten (10) members of the AdZU Junior High School Community, one (1) member from the Grade School and two (2) faculty members from the College of Nursing successfully passed the qualifications for the Health, Social and Other Development Services Sector of the Health Care Services NC II course program last September 13, 2015.

    The following members of our community are the new holders of NC II Health Care Services:

    TLE Department:           Ms. Marilin D. BentoyMr. James B. De Los Reyes;                                                                                                Ms. Gracely Z. Francisco, and Mr. Jayson M. Mahilum

    Social Studies Department:  Ms. Beverly T. Tampipi, and Ms. Pearl Marjorie G. Vidal

    MAPEH Department:  Ms. Rosemae T. Atilano, and Ms. Aiselle Jane A. Gasoh

    Infirmary:  Ms. Elsie P. Miguel, and Ms. Maridel B. Dagalea

    The NCII Health Care Services is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Institutional Health Care (Health Care Assistant) NC II in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies in preparing and maintaining beds, collecting and maintaining linen stocks at end- user locations, assisting with patient transfer and mobility, transport and bio-psycho-social support care of patients and handling waste in a health care environment. (reported by Mr. James De los Reyes)

    d. The following teachers will attend the Seminar-Workshop on Geometry and Combinatorics on Sept. 25-26, 2015, at the Crystal Ballroom of Grand Astoria Hotel, Zamboanga City:  Rona Duran, Ronel Layese,Abdurauf Baldomero, I-C de Castro, Rulthan Sumicad, Cristina Alegado, andRicky Baluca

    The seminar is conducted by the Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) Region IX chapter.

    Dr. Ian June L. Garcia, a faculty member of the Ateneo de Manila and a former coach of the Philippine Delegates to the prestigious International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) will be the resource speaker.

    4. Activities and Events for September 21-26

    a. Sept. 21, Monday *  International Day of Peace (Launching of Peace Activity)                                                                       *  Assembly sponsor:     Coro Concordias de Aguilas                                                                                             Moderator:  Mr. Dennis R. Gaspar, and Mr. Rovic John F. Eslao

    * 7:30 – 9:30:               Alternative Class for Gr 9            Venue:  ANCC                               10AM – 12 nn:            Alternative Class for Gr 10          Venue:  ANCC

    *  7:30AM Mass:            Class sponsor:  Gr. 8 John de Britto

    Moderator:  Mr. Jayson M. Mahilum

    *  9:00 – 3:00 PM Free Eye Examination to all AdZUHS employees

    Venue:  OSS Conference Room

    * 3:45 PM:        AdZUHS Interfaith Prayer Assembly at the HS lobby

    * 4PM – 6 PM:   Critic’s Night for Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio

    b. Sept. 22, Tuesday *  Recollection for Grade 9 St. Bernardine Realino

    c. Sept. 23, Wed. * 7:30AM Mass: Class sponsor:  Gr. 8 St. Stephan Pongracz

    Moderator:  Ms. Marra S. Vesagas

    *  Recollection for Grade 9 St. Francis Xavier

    *4PM – 5 PM:                “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”

    d. Sept. 24, Thursday *  4PM – 5 PM:              “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”

    * Overnight recollection for Gr. 8 St. Stephan Pongracz (Day 1)

    e. Sept. 25, Friday                      *  National Holiday (Eid’l Adha) *  The Science Fun Run has been moved sometime in November.

    * 7:30 AM End of Overnight recollection for Gr. 8 Stephan Pongracz (Day 2)

    f. Sept. 26, Saturday * Session 1 Outreach program to pupils of Lunzuran Elementary School

    * 8AM – 3PM:  Inter-religious Dialogue (IRD) team building activity of the Peace Education Program (sponsored by the Socio Civic Cluster)

    *          9AM – 10AM:                 “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”                            10:30AM – 11:30AM:      “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”

    1:30PM – 2:30PM:          “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”

    3PM – 4PM:                   “Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio”

    g. Weeklong activities:   (21 – 25,Monday to Friday).

    * 7:30 – 8:30     Group Guidance Session, AVR 1 & AVR 2

    5. Teach us to Pray:  Distractions in Prayer

    Fr. James Martin, SJ

    Everyone gets distracted during prayer – including the saints.  St. Ignatius Loyola once wrote in his journal about             being bothered by someone’s whistling.  Even when we feel completely centered in prayer, a stray thought can        pop up:  “I forgot to take out the trash!”

    There are two types of distractions:  unimportant and important.  Unimportant ones simply take you away from prayer.  And there are many imaginative techniques to deal with them.  You can think of them as clouds (or bubbles, birds, or balloons, as a friend once memorably suggested) that come into the horizon of your prayer and just float away.  You notice them, but they don’t trouble you.

    It’s important to at least try to let go of these distractions, as you would when talking to a friend.  You want to          give God your undivided attention.  On the other hand, sometimes we need to admit that distractions are             unavoidable.  In these times, it helps to say, “I’m human and I’m distracted, God, but I’m with you anyway.”

    Important distractions, on the other hand, may be invitations for reflection.  A young Jesuit once said to me,             “Every time I pray, I keep getting distracted by the memory of a person I had fight with.”  Maybe it’s not a   distraction, I suggested.  God may be asking you to look at that in prayer.

    In time, you’ll get to know what to pay attention to, and what to let . . . float away.

    James Martin is a Jesuit priest and author of “Between Heaven and Mirth”, “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything”, and “My Life with the Saints”.