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AdZUHS this week, October 5-10, 2015.

Date:  2 October 2015

Weekly Memorandum No. 2015 – 10.1

TO:                      AdZUHS Community
FROM:                  Father Principal

SUBJECT:             AdZUHS this week, October 5-10, 2015.

1. Principal’s Message:

I have read this lovely prayer in a book published by The Christophers. I think the prayer is appropriate to our city, school, or any other place.

“O God of mercy, understanding and peace, help our beloved city:  to maintain racial harmony, to reject all violence, to strive for understanding.

“Let each of us realize our need for You, and our need for one another.

“Let there be peace in our hearts;  let there be peace in our city;  let this peace begin with me.”

If we want to build peaceful schools and cities as well as a peaceful world where there is a racial and ethnic harmony and non-violence we must work to understand and respect each other’s common humanity.

We can heal the hate around us – with intelligent, courageous, strong love.

2. Characteristic of Jesuit Education (CJE):  Jesuit education assists in providing the professional training and ongoing formation that is needed, especially for teachers.

Rapid change is typical of the modern world. In order to remain effective as educators and in order to discern the more concrete response to God’s call, all adult members of the educational community need to take advantage of opportunities for continued education and continued personal development – especially in professional competence, pedagogical techniques, and spiritual formation. The Jesuit school encourages this by providing staff development programs in every school and, as far as possible, providing the necessary time and financial assistance for more extended training and formation.

3. Faculty Updates

a. Mr. Ricky G. Baluca will attend a series of training entitled:  “Assessment in light of the 21st Century Literacies.”  The topics hope to deepen the understanding of how assessment is a central practice in effective instruction, especially in regard to how assessments support the achievement of the long-term learning outcome set by the department of Education for the Kto12 Curriculum.  The 1st (of three trainings) will be on October 5-8 at Crowne Plaza Ortigas in Manila.

4. Student Updates

a. AdZU Engineering Quiz Bowl Champions.  Congratulations to Lee Alec Salasa and John LouizeGuban, both from MAGIS Grade 10 for winning the AdZU Engineering Quiz Bowl held on September 30 at the AdZU Main Campus.  The contest was sponsored by the Ateneo Engineering Society of the College of Science and Information Technology. The two budding mathematicians were coached Mr. Eric Jude Ismael.

b. Workshop on Combinatorics and Geometry.  Here’s an article written by Aeryne Chloe Cabahug of Grade 10 St. Ignatius about her experience in a recently concluded Mathematics Workshop she attended, together with her schoolmates and teachers.

“Selected Math teachers and Mathematical Advanced Group of Integral Students (MAGIS) 10 students attended a regional seminar-workshop on combinatorics and geometry at the Crystal Ballroom, Grand Astoria Hotel, Zamboanga City last September 25-26, 2015. The seminar-workshop was conducted by the Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) – Region IX Chapter. Dr. Ian June L. Garces of the Ateneo de Manila University faculty and former coach of the Philippine team for the International Math Olympiad was the resource speaker.

“The seminar-workshop consisted of several sessions which dealt with concepts of combinatorics, geometry and problem solving. However, the topics discussed were not limited to the ones mentioned, but also included the new learning guidelines and updates on the new K-12 curriculum for grades 11 and 12, and the introduction of Geogebra, an assistive application for several mathematical branches—such as algebra, geometry, statistics and calculus—to aid the teachers particularly.

“During the first day, the sessions were about combinatorics and geometry, while on the second day, the sessions were about problem solving. Throughout the sessions, Dr. Garces gave the participants several anecdotes and advice related to teaching and learning math. ‘Personally, I have been an advocate of using technology in the teaching of mathematics,’ said Dr. Garces. He also emphasized the importance of proper use of technology as an aid. In addition, he also explained the importance of teaching problem solving to student learning, ‘Research tells us that problem solving must be taught as an integral part of mathematics learning.’

“To the participants, the seminar-workshop did not only add to their academic experience, but also to their personal experience. ‘The speaker wasn’t boring and was very encouraging,’ said one participant.‘He did a good job of explaining the topics and related himself to us, which made it easier to listen to his lecture.’

“The MSP – Region IX Chapter announced that more seminar-workshops will be held in the following months resulting from good feedback coming from the participants.”

c. Congratulations to the Winners in the Science Month Celebration.

i. Grade 7:  Chemistry in Action

First Place:  St. Daniel (Qureyza Pearl Aisa Mohammad, KamilleLadjahassan,                                                       ShannahSiguin, Matthew Benedict Enebrad, Bai Ashanti Buzra Laja,                                                      Sherwin Bulong, and Jordah Morris Tan)

Second Place:          St. Faber (Aneeza Charlize Akalal, Ma. AngeletteAsahar, Maria Bettina David,                                    Czarina Denise Balansag, EyclePansensoy, Joelle Larissa, Saavedra, and Mickaela                    Faye Cabahug)

Third Place:       St. Southwell (Clarissa Tagudina, Juliana Jet Abejero, Jasmine Aravbella de Jesus, Adrian Carpio, Rumyr Joseph Angeles, Gabriela Sese, and Ryan Astalul)

ii. Grade 8:  Space Centrum

First Place:  St. Edmund Campion

Second Place:          St. Arrowsmith

Third Place:       St. Peter Claver

iii. Grade 9:  Innoplay (innovations in Display)

First Place:  St. Briant (Prince John Carlo Austria, Benito Pauda, Amir Raheem Aluk, Michael                                  Buzmion, KarmelaMarielle Reyes, AreejAlihuddin, and AliajahAlih)

Second Place:          St. Pignatelli (Grosel Kate Francisco, Mohammad RamzanHimpon,                                                    MuzhaheedaIsmi, Benhur Arabani Jr. Moh. JuhanTungupon, Andrea Janelle                                           Ragandang, and Karl Angelo Palacao)

Third Place:       St. Borgia (Angelina Celine Fuertes, Lara Faith Cuenco, Adegaile Kaye Rojas, Justin Rey Blanco, JaybeeSabac, and MuamarNassaie)

iv. Grade 10:  Peek and Peep Thy Blueprint

First Place:  St. Ignatius of Loyola

Second Place:          St. Stanislaus Kostka

Third Place:       St. John de Brebeuf

v. EnviroScience Quiz Bee Year 3 (Sponsored by Young Ateneans’ Society of Environmentalists)

Grade 7                   First Place:        St. Daniel Vina Caroline R. Darunday Second Place:    St. Colombiere                        Marianne Julia R. Feliciano Third Place:       St. Faber                     Louis G. Lozada

Grade 8                   First Place:        St. Regis Gio Jay A. Silveo Second Place:    St. Bellarmine             John Henry I. Tiu Third Place:       St. de Brito                  Joyce leah K. Bicalas

Grade 9                   First Place:        St. Lewis Kaye Buentipo Second Place:    St. Alexander Briant   Kino B. Lacanilao Third Place:       St. Francis Borgia       Michael Quiling

Grade 10     First Place:        St. Brebeuf                  Juan Climaco C. Elago III Second Place:    St. Thomas Garnet      Kenneth D. Gonzales Third Place:       St. Rodriguez              Jose Manuel D. Gomez

5. Activities and Events for October 5 – 10, 2015

a. October 5, Monday *  Assembly sponsor:     Punlaan

Moderators:  Bro. John Eric E. Esteba, SJ & Mrs. Pamela A. Carmelotes

* Launching of 26th National Statistics Month (c/o Math Department)

*  7:30AM Mass:      Class sponsor:  Gr. 9St. Alexander Briant

Moderator:  Ms. I-C P. De Castro

b. October 6, Tuesday *  1:30 PM Academic Management and Formation Team meeting

Venue:  Principal’s Conference Room

* 5 PM:  Sponsorship of Ateneo de Zamboanga High School in the Novena in

honor of Our Lady of the Pillar.  Presider:  Fr. Arnel T. Ong, SJ, and    concelebrated by the Jesuit Fathers.

c. October 7, Wed. *  7:30AM Mass:            Class sponsor:  Gr. 9 St. Lewis

Moderator:  Ms. Christian Jade G. Encilay

*Departmental Meeting

d. October 8, Thursday *  4PM:  Faculty and Staff meeting

e. October 9, Friday *  AdZUHS Teacher’s Day celebration (Appreciation Day for Teachers)

7:30 AM  Concurrent Prayer services:

Non-Catholic Christians, AVR 1  (c/o Ms. MarraVesagas)

Gr. 7 & 8 Muslims, AVR 2 (c/o Mr. Ramsyss Andaya)

Gr. 9 & 10 Muslims, MPR (c/o Mr. Musin Misuari)

9:30AM – 11AM  (High School Lobby);

11:30AM – 2PM (Astoria Skyview)

Theme:  “Back to the 90’s:  A trip down memory lane.”

f. Oct. 10, Saturday  * 8AM – 12 nn:            Gr. 7 & Gr. 8 Parent-Teacher Conference

* 1PM – 5PM: Gr. 9 & Gr. 10 Parent-Teacher Conference

g. Weeklong activities: *  Daily Mathematics Trivia Questions until October 23.

6. Teach us to Pray:  Memories in Prayer

Fr. James Martin, SJ

One of the most underappreciated ways that God can speak to us is through memories.  When meditating on a particular Scripture passage, for instance, a powerful memory may come to mind.  Often people dismiss this as a mere distraction.  But God can work through every part of our consciousness – our imaginations, our emotions, and our memories.

There are (at least) two ways of allowing God to work through memory.

The first is unintentional.  Perhaps you are going through a tough time, and life seems hopeless.  Suddenly you recall an earlier period when things seemed just as bleak, but when you were also supported by friends or family.  This may not be a coincidence but a way in which God is gently reminding you of God’s provident care.

The second way is intentional.  Here you explicitly choose to pray with your memories.  Recently, for example, my mother sold her house.  It was both a hopeful time (she was moving to a lovely new apartment) and a sad one (our family had lived in this home for fifty years).  A few weeks before she moved, I invited Jesus in prayer to sit with me in each room as we recalled various events that had happened to me as a boy, an adolescent, and a young adult.  Here is the desk at which I learned to write;  here are the stairs I raced down on Christmas morning;  here is the table on which our Thanksgiving dinners were set.  It filled me with gratitude.  At the close of the prayer, when I thought perhaps Jesus would invite me to “shut the door” on those times, I realized that those events were always accessible to me – through the gift of memory.


James Martin is a Jesuit priest and author of “Between Heaven and Mirth”, “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything”, and “My Life with the Saints”.