Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZUHS this week, March 7-29, 2016

AdZUHS this week, March 7-29, 2016

Date:  4 March 2016

Weekly Memorandum No. 2016 – 3.1

TO:                      AdZUHS Community
FROM:                  Father Principal

SUBJECT:             AdZUHS this week, March 7-29, 2016.

1. Principal’s Message:

What a year this has been!

I think every one of us may look back on this past school year with justifiable pride, for it has been a year of accomplishments.  Whether it was our award-winning athletic teams or our award-winning academic contestants or our award-winning young journalists or our passing the PAASCU re-accreditation or our winning the Face-to-Faith Peace Day School Competition 2015, this has been a year of accomplishment.

Now, it’s all about to come to an end, and in a few short days, the summer hiatus will be upon us.  Some of us will be leaving this school to rest and renew ourselves in order to return next year;  some of us will be leaving this place to enter into the world at large.  All of us take with us the memories we have made for ourselves during this time.

As I recall the incidents which have made this school year a memorable year in our lives, I AM THANKFUL:

For the high quality of education which has taken place;  for a dedicated and professional faculty and staff…

For having the chance to work with you;  for your cooperation;  for all the extra effort you have put into making this school such a wonderful place to be . . .

For knowing that you are there and that I can always depend on you . . .

May we have a wonderful summer, and may it be but one of many wonderful summers to come, both in our years with this school and throughout our entire lives.

2. Faculty and Student Updates:

a. The following members of the AdZUHS community are members of the Zamboanga contingent to the Philippine National Games held in Lingayen, Pangasinan on March 1 – 15, 2016.

i. Mr. Erwin G. Pelayo – School representative

ii. Aubrey Eustaquio                       Futsal

iii. Nasilin Rania                              Futsal

iv. Brandon Recinto             Taekwondo

v. Algenne Marhee Amiruddin         Taekwondo

b. Mr. Roderick Baluca will be in Pangasinan on March 11- 13 as a speaker in a conference sponsored by REAP (Resource for Educators and Academic Professionals) in partnership with Rex Bookstore, Inc.

c. Congratulations to the following students who are National Certificate (NC) II Holders in Bread and Pastry Production (as of March 1, 2016).  Kudos to the TLE Department for a job well done!

i. ABUBAKAR, Ra – Iezel Airiz A                  Grade 10 Garnet

ii. AGCAOILI, Rossvie Marie P                     Grade 10 Evans

iii. ANTOLIHAO, Rhea Trisha M                   Grade 10 Kostka

iv. ATILANO, Rheena Julianne M                  Grade 10 Jerome

v. BARA, Ahmed Khadaffy A                       Grade 10 Jerome

vi. BAUTISTA, Rey Dominic F                      Grade 10 Ignatius

vii. CASES, Pauline Ann A                             Grade 10 Ignatius

viii. CERVAS, Christian Joshua R                    Grade 10 Ignatius

ix. DELORIA, Ildefonso III A                        Grade 10 Ignatius

x. FRANCISCO, Kyla Mari Y                        Grade 10 Evans

xi. JUBAH, Ali Asgar N                                Grade 10 Kostka

xii. LAKIBUL, Sayd Hamza N                        Grade 10 Ignatius

xiii. LAO, Reezl Rae T                                   Grade 10 Kostka

xiv. LIM, Allan Mar R                                    Grade 10 Ignatius

xv. MACEREN, Danae Dyme V                      Grade 10 Brebeuf

xvi. NARAWI, Melisa C                                  Grade 10 Kostka

xvii. PABON, Jay Dane F.                               Grade 10 – St. Rodriguez

xviii. PRADO, Irish Claire S                             Grade 10 Evans

xix. QUINTANES, Joshua Cedric F                  Grade 10 Ignatius

xx. SALASA, Lee Alec C                                Grade 10 Ignatius

xxi. SAN AGUSTIN, Carlo Rafael R                 Grade 10 Ignatius

xxii. SAN DIEGO, Mickho Angelo P.                 Grade 10 Ignatius

xxiii. SEREÑO, Samantha Grace R                    Grade 10 Garnet

xxiv. TAKAHASHI, Reiji                                  Grade 10 Ignatius

xxv. TEJA, Kelly Cassandra M                         Grade 10 Brebeuf

3. Activities and Events for March 7 – 13. 15 – 21, 2016

a. March 7, Mon. * Junior High School Recognition Program

b. March 8, Tue. *  7:30 AM (Day 1):  Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Kostka

* Grades 7 – 9 Final Exams (Day 1)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              Filipino

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            Science and Technology

(10 minutes break)

10:15 – 11:15 AM          Social Studies

(5 minutes break)

* 1:30 PM, AVR 1           General Faculty and Staff Meeting

Main agendum:

August 2015 PAASCU Results and Recommendations

* 8:30AM – 3:45PM        Exit Interview for Grade 10 Students (Day 1)                                                                                (c/o Guidance Office)

c. March 9, Wed. * 12NN (Day 2):  End of Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Kostka                                                               * Grades 7 – 9  Final Exams (Day 2)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              Mathematics

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            TLE (Hands On) (Specialization – Written)

(10 minutes break)

10:15 – 11:15 AM          MAPEH (Practical)

(5 minutes break)

* 8:30AM – 3:45PM        Exit Interview for Grade 10 Students (Day 2)                                                                                (c/o Guidance Office)

d. March 10, Thur. *  7:30 AM (Day 1):  Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Rodriguez                                                                * Grades 7 – 9 Final Exams (Day 3)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              Filipino

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            Science and Technology

(10 minutes break)

10:15 – 11:15 AM          Social Studies

(5 minutes break)

* 8:30AM – 3:45PM        Exit Interview for Grade 10 Students (Day 3)                                                                    (c/o Guidance Office)

e. March 11, Fri. * 12NN (Day 2):  End of Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Rodriguez

* Special Exams for Grades 7 – 9 (Day 1)

* Departmental Professional Learning Circle

f. March 12, Sat. * Special Exams for Grades 7 – 9 (Day 2)

g. Other Important Dates before the end of the School Year

i. March 15 CEM Special Exams for Grade 10 Students (Whole Day)

ii. March 18 Junior High School Completion Ceremony

iii. March 20 – 27 Holy Week

iv. March 28, 2016 AM              Grade 9 Deliberation

v. March 28, 2016 PM              Grade 8 Deliberation

vi. March 29, 2016 AM              Grade 7 Deliberation

4. An Examen for Holy Week

Joseph Tetlow SJ, “From Ashes to Glory”

The Word

While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, and all of them drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly I tell you, I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” When they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.  —Mark 14:22–26


When we receive the Body and Blood of the Redeemer with reverence, we enact a holy yearning. Our reverence and devotion do not make us worthy to have Him under our roof. Yet He comes. So our way of welcoming Him is to keep good order in what’s under the roof.

1. Give Thanks. I thank God for this day, for my life, for all I am and have, and for His Word.

2. Pray for Light. I ask the Father to let me see my day as the Holy Spirit sees it,                                                                             and to show me what I need to see.

3. Find God. I look at my day in the light of the Spirit.

I look at what I have done and not done.
Am I putting up with a bad habit?
Have I found God in the quiet?

4. Anything Wrong?

Have I ignored God? Have I neglected God’s gifts?
Where have I pleased others instead of pleasing God?
Before the crucifix, I express my contrition to God and repent of my sins.

5. What Now?

I look forward in hope.
What am I to do now? What do I have to avoid?


That You would narrow down Your love,
Lord God of heaven and earth,
and find Your way into a billion souls
singly, to visit there and even stay,
amazes me and makes me wonder
whether my mind and heart
can stretch enough to grasp
that You are here, and to keep alive
to Your steady, unremitting love.
My heart is intermittent at best, Lord,
so I beg You to help me
keep loving You longer and longer,
until my whole mind and heart are filled
with You, even before You come.