Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZUHS on December 14-19, 2015 and January 4-9, 2015

AdZUHS on December 14-19, 2015 and January 4-9, 2015

Date:  11 December 2015

Weekly Memorandum No. 2015 – 12.2

TO:                      AdZUHS Community
FROM:                  Father Principal

SUBJECT:             AdZUHS on December 14-19, 2015 and January 4-9, 2015

1. 1. Principal’s Message:

Christmas is a time when I think of the special people in my life, of my family, friends, and co-workers with whom I share this educational ministry.

I thank all of you for your loving and dedicated approach to young people. Without this, AdZUHSwould not be the special place it is. We experience many joys in our teaching, but we also know sorrow and frustration as we become involved in the lives of our students. This happens because we care. We share their joys and excitements, but also experience the uncertainty, the confusion, and the hurts that are so often a part of their lives.

Christmas again confronts us with the reality that Jesus shared His life with us. Christmas reminds us that Jesus, the Emmanuel (meaning “God is with us”)  is always at our side with His love, His forgiveness, and His power as we carry out our ministry here at AdZUHS.

I thank God for Christmas. I thank God for each of you, because in your giving of yourselves for young people, you become instruments through whom others experience the love of Jesus.

May these holidays also be a time of recreation and relaxation with family and friends, so important as we prepare to face the challenges and opportunities that come again in January.  Meanwhile, let us pray for the young people each day, in particular for those we know who have not found Christ’s place in their lives.

PS.  The next issue of the “Friday Focus” will be on January 1, 2016.

2. Characteristic of Jesuit Education (CJE). Jesuit education proposes Jesus Christ as the model of human life. Members of various faiths and cultures are part of the educational community in Jesuit schools today; to all, whatever their beliefs, Christ is proposed as the model of human life. Everyone can draw inspiration and learn about commitment from the life and teaching of Jesus, who witnesses to the love and forgiveness of God, lives in solidarity with all who suffer, and pours out his life in the service of others. Everyone can imitate Him in an emptying of self, in accepting whatever difficulties or sufferings come in the pursuit of the one goal to be achieved: responding to the Father’s will in the service of others.

3. Activities and Events for December 14 – 19, 2015.

a. December 14, Mon. * 7AM:  Monday Assembly          Sponsor:  Information Technology Society                                                Moderators:  Ms. Fhadzmalyn Issan & Ms. Marilin Bentoy                                                              *4PM:  Moderators meeting w/ Atty. Emil Aquino re Family Day matters (AVR 1)

b. December 15, Tue. *

c. December 16, Wed. * 7 AM  Gr. 8ClaverClass Mass                Moderator:  Ms. Marilin Bentoy

d. December 17, Thu. *          5:30      Registration

6PM:     Faculty and Staff Christmas Party

e. December 18, Fri. * Class Christmas Parties (Year 2015 Last Day of Classes)

f. December 19, Sat. * AM:    Institutional Advent Recollection

7:30 AM            Registration

8:00 AM            Advent Recollection        Giver:  Fr. Neo Saicon, SJ

11 AM               Eucharistic Celebration

* PM:    Institutional Christmas Party

Tentative Activities and Events for January 4 – 9, 2016. (3rd Quarter Review Week)

a. January 4, Mon. * 8AM:  Back-to-school Mass

* Monday Assembly      

Sponsor:  Sociedad Matematica de Ateneo (SocMat)

Moderator:  Ms. Rona Luz C. Duran

g. January 5, Tue. *  Academic Management Team meeting

h. January 6, Wed. * 7 AM  Gr. 8 BrittoClass Mass                Moderator:  Mr. Jayson M. Mahilum

* Departmental Meetings

i. January 7, Thu. * 4PM:  General Faculty Meeting

j. January 8, Fri. * 7 AM  Gr. 8 Pongracz Class Mass          Moderator:  Ms. MarraVesagas

k. January 9, Sat. *

4. Christmas Reflections:  The Joyful Mysteries

Bishop Robert F. Morneau

Our faith life is one large system.  To understand the mystery of the Nativity of the Lord, it is most helpful to understand other mysteries that shed light on the Christmas event.  The devotion of the rosary is helpful here.  The Nativity is one of five joyful mysteries of our faith, the other four being the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, and the Finding of Jesus in the Temple.  Prior to his birth, Jesus is already present in history, and subsequent to his birth we witness the action of grace in his years of growing up.

In the mystery of the Annunciation, we learn that God has a plan and that divine design involves Mary’s cooperation.  It was her yes that confirmed the working of the Holy Spirit.  The Annunciation tells us that God always takes the initiative in the events of salvation history.

The Visitation introduces us to the person of John the Baptist, the one who would prepare the way of the Lord.  Again, God involves Elizabeth in this divine scheme and through her, Mary receives assurance that the child to be born of her is truly the Lord.

Through the mystery of the Presentation in the Temple, the mission of Jesus begins to take on flesh.  The elderly Simeon and Anna rejoice to encounter the one who is to be a light to all the nations.  Jesus is born to scatter the darkness of sin and death. Now Simeon can die in peace.

Finally, we see Jesus beginning his teaching ministry.  The scholars are amazed at his learning and interpretation of the Word of God.  But this mystery also foreshadows the suffering of his mission involves.  Jesus is found by his parents but only after three days of agonizing pain.

Today a Savior is born unto us.  To fully understand this joyful event, we must also understand the vocation of Mary and Elizabeth, Zechariah and John, Simeon and Anna.  Every birth is part of a larger family system.

Our faith life is one large family system.