Home » Alumni News » ADZUAA to host PACQUIAO VS HATTON


The Office of Alumni Relations and Development together with the AdZU Alumni Association will host the PACQUIAO VS HATTON boxing match, live via Sky Cable Pay-Per-View line on May 03, 2009 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon at theCarlos Dominguez Conference Hall and LRC Conference Room, AdZU La Purisima Campus. The boxing coverage will be LIVE and UNCUT.

With this, we are inviting the whole community to join us in this exciting occasion. The event will surely be a gathering of friends, alumni and other generous individuals who will together cheer for our very own Filipino boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao.

The boxing fight is arranged not only to provide entertainment to the Pacquiao fans but furthermore to raise funds for our Ateneo Scholarship Fund. Your participation will certainly make a difference especially to poor and needy students.

We have arranged a scheme of Watch-Now-Pay-Later for all our faculty and staff. Seats are limited, so please get your tickets now. 

For more details, please call the Office of Alumni Relations and Development and look for Sheila (local 1006) or Noralyn (4600/4601).