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ADZU volunteers engage with I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Ateneans volunteered to help build a bottle kiosk on December 3, 2014 at the Edwin Andrew’s Elementary School. The event was a part of the Ateneo Fiesta 2014’s roster of activities to foster social awareness among the members of the AdZU Community.

The Social Awareness and Community Service Involvement Office (SACSI) and I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE collaborated to provide 25 Psychology students of the FFP-NSTP Section Q class an experience in making bottled bricks and building a bottle kiosk.

I-CAN-MAKE-A-DIFFERENCE is a group of social-change makers bringing simple, cost efficient, environment-friendly, and synergistic solutions to health and other health-related problems within communities thru inter-sectoral participation and inter-community development.

Ms Marjo Andrea Mequin, Sherhana Salialam and Rotsen Jay Medina from ADZU SACSI, together with the pupils of the Edwin Andrews Elem School, joined the activity as facilitators as well.