Home » Migrated » ADZU to install 320 kilowatt off-grid solar power system, the biggest in Visayas and Mindanao

ADZU to install 320 kilowatt off-grid solar power system, the biggest in Visayas and Mindanao

By August 2015, 75% of Ateneo de Zamboanga University’s power needs will be supplied by an off-grid solar power system. On May 21, 2015, the university entered into a contract with Orion International, Inc. for the installation a 320 kilowatt hybrid rooftop photovoltaic system.

This Ph 60M renewable-energy project is the biggest of its kind in the Visayas-Mindanao area. The project will be financed by the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).

The project is an investment that is expected to save the university millions in electricity bills in the long run.

Moreover, the solar energy system will address the constant blackouts plaguing the city. While the school will still source 25% of its power needs from the local electric cooperative, during a blackout, the system can sufficiently power essential equipment including computers.

Fr. Marlito Ocon, SJ, ADZU Assistant to the President for Administration, points out that this project is one strong way for the university to be more environment-friendly, by being less reliant on non-renewable energy sources.

The solar power system will be installed in both the Salvador Campus on La Purisima and in the Kreutz Campus in Tumaga.

Orion International was chose as a partner by ADZU for the company’s track record in renewal energy installations. Orion is a partner of Urban Green Energy of New York, a world-leader in distributed renewable energy.