Home » ACCA News and Update » AdZU to host Mindanao ArtBest: The Mindanao Visual Arts Festival 2014

AdZU to host Mindanao ArtBest: The Mindanao Visual Arts Festival 2014

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU), through the Ateneo Center for Culture and the Arts (ACCA) and the Gallery of the Peninsula and the Archipelago (GPA), will be hosting Mindanao ArtBest: The Mindanao Visual Arts Festival 2014 this coming October 21-23, 2014.

Mindanao ArtBest will gather around 80 visual artists from all over Mindanao. It aims to 1) consolidate the ‘harvest’ and showcase Mindanao’s artistic excellence in the visual arts, 2) to pursue the creation of contemporary works reflective of the uniqueness and realities of Mindanao, and 3) to promote the rich cultural heritage of Mindanao.

The festival will feature a conference, a curated exhibition, lecture-workshops, art fairs, and performances. Only 80 participants from all over Mindanao (20 Northern Mindanao, 20 Southern Mindanao, and 40 Western Mindanao) will be accommodated during the entire duration of the festival.

The festival was made possible through a grant from the National Commission on Culture and the Arts.

“We are excited to host the Mindanao Visual Arts Festival this year.” said Kiko Miranda, the Director of the Ateneo Center for Culture and the Arts.

“By gathering the best works of Mindanawon artists, we help harness and strengthen the cultural energies that bind us as peoples of Mindanao. Now, more than ever, we need to come together to discuss, reflect, and discern on the power of the visual arts in shaping the consciousness of the people, one artwork at a time.”

The Gallery of the Peninsula and the Archipelago has opened the CALL FOR PARTICIPATION AND WORKSHOP DEMONSTRATION to all interested individuals who want to take part in the festival.

Deadline for submission of application is on SEPTEMBER 15, 2014.

To download details about the Call for Participation and Workshop Demonstration, interested parties may visit http://adzuacca.wordpress.com or host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp.

For more information, you may contact MVAF2014 Secretariat at (062) 991-0871 local 4300 or 4301 or email us at acca@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp