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AdZU Special Recognition Call for Nominations

25 June 2012




In connection with the forthcoming University’s Board of Trustees meeting on August 25, 2012 where the ADZU Special Recognition nominations will be presented for approval, the AdZU Community is enjoined to start consulting with various individuals or groups or friends of the Ateneo for nominations of individuals or groups to receive any one of the following recognitions:

  1. ARCHBISHOP LUIS V. Del ROSARIO, SJ RECOGNITION: bestowed on individuals or groups that have shown great care for others especially in the religious, spiritual and/or social spheres of activity.
  2. MAYOR CESAR C CLIMACO RECOGNITION: bestowed on individuals or government organizations which have shown outstanding public service to the community.
  3. ATENEO PEACE RECOGNITION: bestowed on persons or groups who have made significant contributions to the peace process and the culture of peace.
  4. PRO DEO et PATRIA RECOGNITION: bestowed on individuals or groups or institutions that have shown outstanding service and generosity of life on behalf of others.
  5. HONORARY DOCTORATE DEGREE (Honoris Causa): bestowed on persons who have effectively worked for peace, culture and development.

Attached is the list of past recipients.

So that the Committee on Recognition of the Board of Trustees will be able to make a good decision concerning these recognitions, the nominators are requested to give a rationale to the bestowal of the recognition and concise but substantial information/biodata about the nominee(s). The recognitions will be conferred by the University in a special ceremony sometime in September or October 2012.

To give enough time for a careful deliberation of all nominations, it is requested that nominations be submitted to the Office of the President or to the undersigned no later than Friday, July 27, 2012.

Thank you and more power!


Maria Victoria C. Montaño
Board Secretary

Memo: 12-13:04