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AdZU Limpieza Contra Dengue

Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Grade School

PAASCU Level III Accredited

September 14, 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The whole AdZU community will have a clean up drive dubbed “AdZU Limpieza Contra Dengue” on September 17, 2010. In the Grade School, the activity will be held in the morning from 8:00 to 11:00.

The re-launch of our Solid Waste Management Program will be done along this event. The rise of dengue cases in the city and the country is connected with our non-observance of hygiene and cleanliness.A room-to-room information campaign on waste management and segregation will be conducted prior to the clean-up proper. To facilitate the activity the following will be observed:

Preparatory to Grade I

· orientation on proper waste disposal

· information on the importance of hygiene and cleanliness

· classroom-based activities

Grades II – III

· orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation

· importance of hygiene and cleanliness

· cleaning of one’s own room

Grades IV – VI

· orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation

· importance of hygiene and cleanliness

· cleaning of own classroom, immediate surroundings, assigned areas

Parents and/or Guardians in the waiting areas c/o PTA

· orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation

· importance of hygiene and cleanliness

· cleaning of assigned areas

All are highly encouraged to take active part in this important university wide activity.

In the afternoon, activities in all levels will be called off. All teachers and staff will have a session on “Understanding and Managing Classroom Behaviors” tackling special topics on ADHD, Learning Disability, Child Anxiety and Depression.This activity is part of the Homeroom Guidance Program.

Thank you for your support.

Sincerely yours,

Pilar C Agraviador