Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZU JHS this week, June 19-23, 2017

AdZU JHS this week, June 19-23, 2017

Date: 16 June 2017

Weekly Memorandum No. 2017 – 6.2

TO: AdZUHS Community
FROM: Father Principal

SUBJECT: AdZU JHS this week, June 19-23, 2017.

Classes have officially begun. Slowly and
patiently, we slip into the rhythm of regular school days.

 Students will elect their class officers
during the Reflection and Homeroom period. I hope the class will be guided by
their moderators to choose the right person for the position and not just for
popularity. I hope they will consider the qualities of a good leader.  Two important models, which we will remember
this week, can guide them as they choose their class officers.

 June 19 is the birth of our national hero, Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso
He graduated from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila as one of the
nine students in his class declared
or outstanding. Aside from his intellectual competence, he has a deep love and
concern for his country.

 June 21 is the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. He is one of the young saints of the Society of
Jesus. It will be good to reflect on his life, especially during the Reflection
and Homeroom period, to promote  the
Gonzaga certificate that we will award every quarter. “The school recognizes
students with at least 92% in the conduct grade and who did not incur any
offense in a given quarter.”
Handbook 2017-2018, p. 36)


1. Activities and Events –
Rizal Week by the Social Studies Department

19 JUNE, Monday

AM     Morning Assembly

                   Sponsor: Social Studies Department

AM    Reflection and Homeroom Period:

                   Election of Class Officers

20 JUNE, Tuesday

– 8:30 AM Medical and Dental Check-up – G10

21 JUNE, Wednesday

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

AM     Mass (Sponsor: Grade 9 FABER
Ms. Velasco, Moderator)

– 8:30 AM Medical and Dental Check-up – G10

22 JUNE, Thursday

– 8:30 AM Medical and Dental Check-up – G10

– 3:00 PM Philippine History Quiz Ball for Grade 8 for selected students.

23 JUNE, Friday

AM     Mass (Sponsor: Grade 9 BERCHMANS
– Mr. Bughao, Moderator)

– 8:30 AM Medical and Dental Check- up – G10


2. Reminders

June 26 is a national holiday. We join our
Muslim brothers and sisters as they celebrate Eid’l Fitr.

We will have our Morning Assembly on June 27, Tuesday
at 7am.

3. Points to Ponder (Reflection from Mr. Philip Javier, Faculty

if, one day, God sends one of his angels to tell you that you have only one
more year to live?  Will you still go to
school or just stay home?  Will you start
asking people to pray for you and take care of you while life slowly drifts
away? Will you begin to list every human experience that you would have wanted
to feel and enjoy and make sure to fulfill them one after another? 

angel saying: “Here comes your last year on earth” — was how
Aloysius Gonzaga exactly received the
vision of Archangel Gabriel.

Gonzagas were a rich clan from Northern Italy.

humble of his origins, avoiding often the attention caused by his surname, would
often sign his name simply as “Louie” or “Luigi.”

father, who was a famous military person, exacted from him the same kind of
discipline yet provided him with the best education. It was through his studies
that he learned about saints and priests. Thus, at an early age, Aloysius
expressed a desire that he will be a priest and a saint one day.

father having learned about this, sent Aloysius to a military camp
at age 5 to
ensure that only a military life will take root firmly in his heart. So much
was expected from this young man, that initially his father and his relatives discouraged
him from pursuing his dreams to become a priest.

a fierce battle of wills, and only after several years, Aloysius won his
father’s approval. He entered the Society of Jesus with a strong resolve of
finishing his priestly studies.

before finishing the course, St. Aloysius faced the inevitable yet beautiful
design of God’s plan. A serious plague broke out in Rome. Aloysius volunteered
at once to help in the hospital. During his time, hospitals were not clean,
orderly places that we are familiar with today. It was very easy to catch an
illness. That is what happened: Aloysius became very ill. No medicine could
help him. He died when he was only 23 years old. He was not afraid to die. During
his life, he had focused himself on doing what Christ wanted: serving and
loving God, our Father, and His big family.


What if, one day, God sends one of
his angels

to tell you that you have only one
more year to live?

What will you do?


We now have one new school year.

What will we do?


Let us pray, +

Good Father in Heaven, thank You for
Your gift of life.

Help us, while our youth and blood
are warmer, to gather the many graces

You give us each day and every day.


That even when your lamp, the sun, has
neared its setting or finished its race, we have rendered you greater glory by
using our time well. Amen.


All you, Jesuit Saints and Beati,
pray for us.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, pray for us.