Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZU JHS this week, July 4 – 9, 2016

AdZU JHS this week, July 4 – 9, 2016

Date: 1 July 2016

Weekly Memorandum No. 2016 – 7.1

TO: AdZUHS Community
FROM: Father Principal

SUBJECT: AdZU JHS this week, July 4 – 9, 2016.

1. Principal’s Message:

As we enter into the month of July, we also celebrate Ignatian month, to honor the founder of the Society of Jesus, St Ignatius of Loyola, whose feast day we celebrate on July 31. In many Jesuit institutions, there will be novenas and school activities to promote the legacy of St. Ignatius.

Our university mission statement declares that “our school is Catholic in the profession of faith in the God of Jesus Christ, and Jesuit in the propagation of a profound sense of finding God in all things.” Thus, for us to live out this mission, it is expected that we must be persons of prayers. We must develop the spirit of praying. To do this, we need to look into ourselves often. We need to reflect to take time out and review what we do, to reflect on what others do, why things happen, how things happen, thus, to begin asking ourselves as a habit: what is the point of all these in God’s plan?

2. Characteristics of Jesuit Education (CJE): Jesuit Mission in Education

The Society of Jesus proclaims that the service of faith through the promotion of justice is the mission that must be integrated as a priority into each Jesuit work. It has always sought to imbue students with values that transcend goals of money, fame and success. The purpose in education, then, is “to form men and women for others”. We want graduates who will be leaders concerned about society and the world in which they live.

3. Faculty Updates:

a. New appointment.  We welcome Ms. Christy B. Patta to the Junior High School Community.  Beginning today, she begins her work as Assistant Librarian. Ms. Patta is a licensed librarian and has previously worked as Basic Education Librarian at Pilar College.

4. Activities and Events for July 4 – 9

4, Monday

*  Monday Assembly sponsor: Technology and Livelihood Education Dept.

*  Nutrition Month launching (c/o TLE Department)
*  Recess/Lunch:  Selling Challenge 1 (c/o TLE Department)
*  7:30 – 8:30 AM:             Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr.9 Campion
*  YSEP-TEC On-Duty      Gr. 10 Lewis

5, Tuesday

*  7:30 – 8:30 AM Homeroom Guidance Session for:

Grs. 7 Garnet & Jerome (AVR 2)

Grs. 9 Claver, Brito, & Pongracz (AVR 1)

* 7:30 – 8:30 AM:              Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr.10 Realino
* Gr. 10 Xavier Recollection         Moderator:  Mr. Eric Jude Ismael
*  AMT Meeting
*  YSEP-TEC On-Duty      Gr. 10 Briant

6, Wednesday

*  7AM Class Mass:          Gr. 9 Claver c/o Mr. Najiron H. Mohammad

*  7:30 – 8:30 AM:             Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr.8 Colombiere
* Gr. 10 Borgia Recollection         Moderator:  Ms. Rona Duran
*  Departmental Meeting
*  YSEP-TEC On-Duty      Gr. 10 Ogilvie

7, Thursday

*  7:30 AM – 8:30 AM:     Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr.10 Borgia

*  Filing of Candidacy for COL Grade 7 Representatives
*  10AM:  Principal’s Council Meeting (Principal’s Conference Room)
*  4PM:                 General Faculty & Staff meeting
*  YSEP-TEC On-Duty      Gr. 10 Briant

8, Friday                               *  7:30 – 8:30 AM:             Class mass

*  Filing of Candidacy for COL Grade 7 Representatives
*  YSEP-TEC On-Duty      Gr. 10 Realino

9, Saturday

*  8AM – 11:30 AM          YSEP – TEC (Youth Service Enhancement Program

– Training for Engaged Citizenship) Training on Disaster Risk Reduction Preparedness

Whole week activity

*  NO SODA Campaign (c/o TLE)

5. Teach us to Pray:  I’m Angry, God!

Fr. James Martin, SJ
Jesus is fully human and fully divine.  And, among other things “fully human” means that Jesus is like us in all things, except sin. That means he experienced the full range of human emotions:  joy, sadness – and anger.  The Gospels are clear on this:  Jesus got angry.  “O faithless and perverse generation . . . . how long will I endure you?” he says to the disciples (Matt 17:17).  He curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit (Mark 11:12-14).  He upends the merchants’ tables in the temple (Matt 21:12).  Jesus’ anger, however, was always on behalf of others.
Anger is a natural and inevitable part of life.  This is not to say you should be furious all the time – if this is the case, you need to examine things.  But how can you pray when you are angry?
First, it’s helpful to think about why you’re angry.  Is it your wounded pride?  Has someone critiqued you for a good reason?  Just because people are criticizing you doesn’t mean that you’re being “persecuted” – you might just be wrong.  Perhaps you’re called to greater humility.  Or are you incensed because of a tiny inconvenience?  In that case, maybe you need some perspective.
But perhaps you’re angry for a deeper reason.  Someone has died.  You are very ill.  You’ve lost your job.  In that        case, it’s time to speak with God honestly about your feelings.  God can handle it.  God has been listening to                 anger and frustration in prayer since at least the time of the psalms:  “How long, O Lord?” begins Psalm 13.
So be angry, but also be honest about where the anger comes from – and then open your heart to God.

James Martin is a Jesuit priest and author of “Between Heaven and Mirth”, “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything”, and “My Life with the Saints”.