Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZU JHS this week, August 8 – 13, 2016.

AdZU JHS this week, August 8 – 13, 2016.

Date: 5 August 2016

Weekly Memorandum No. 2016 – 8.1

TO: AdZUHS Community
FROM: Father Principal

SUBJECT: AdZU JHS this week, August 8 – 13, 2016.

1. Principal’s Message:

There is an old Latin saying that states, “Mens sana in corpore sano.” A healthy mind in a healthy body. Aside from the Health tips (mostly on Nutrition matters) we hear from invited medical experts during our Monday convocations this July, there is a need to do some physical fitness activities which can be achieved through Sports.

Sports are part and parcel of every school curriculum, because we realize that the ancient goal of a healthy mind in a healthy body is no fantasy but a realistic and attainable goal. The playing fields of today have a place for strength, it is true, but as anyone who has ever taken the time to find out knows and knows well, they have no place for mindless strength. Sports, as they are practiced in our school, require quick, intelligent minds as well as healthy, trained and conditioned bodies.
It is my sincere wish that we enjoy every minute of the Intramurals.

2. Characteristics of Jesuit Education (CJE): Jesuit education takes place within a structure that promotes community.

A greater degree of shared responsibility has developed in recent years. Increasingly, decisions are made only after receiving advice through informal consultations, formal committees and other means; all members of the educational community are kept informed about decisions and about important events in the life of the school. In order to be truly effective, a sharing of responsibility must be based on a common vision or common sense of purpose.

3. Faculty and Student Updates

a. Kudos to this year’s Junior High School Service Awardees:

i. 10 years: Pilar Eleanor Dondoyano, Jeffrey O. Jalani, Carlito A. Robin, Delma Catherine T. Usman
ii. 15 years: Evelyn Q. Bugayong
iii. 20 years: Roderick V. Baluca, Marcelinot T. Luna Jr, Brigida R. Olivares, Amy C. Valmonte
iv. 40 years: Rosie M. Hong
v. Retirees: Mila M. Lacson, Ma. Diana L. Venus

b. 10th World Taekwondo Culture Expo Championships held on July 14-19, 2016 in Jeonju City, Jeollabuk, Mugun-gun, South Korea.

i. Poomsae Competition

Gold Medalist: Cesar Oliver A. Basilio (Coach)
Micah Angelica A. Torres (Gr. 9 Claver)
Silver Medalist: Algenne Marhee P. Amirrudin (Gr. 10 Xavier) Mary Lleanne P. Amiruddin (Gr. 9 Bellarmine)

ii. Kyorugi Competition

Gold Medalist: Micah Angelica A. Torres (Gr. 9 Claver)
Silver Medalist: Algenne Marhee P. Amirrudin (Gr. 10 Xavier) Mary Lleanne P. Amiruddin (Gr. 9 Bellarmine)
Bronze Medalist: Cesar Oliver A. Basilio (Coach)

c. 2016 Regional Seminar-Workshop in Conducting Science Investigatory Project held at the Royce Convention, Grand Astoria Hotel on July 18-20, 2016 conducted by the Samahang Pisika ng Visayas at Mindanao (SPVM) and the AdZU Natural Sciences Department of the College of Science and Information Technology.

i. Biology. 2nd Place & Best Paper Proposal in Biology: “Comparing the Effectiveness of Banana Peel Ash and Condensate as Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Tomatoes

Research proponents: Abdullah Dave S. Adjuran (Gr. 7 Ignatius), Wedzdan T. Kandil (Gr. 8 Faber), Earl Nico R. Miranda (Gr. 8 Faber), Sameeya M. Sumbing (Gr. 8 Faber), and Josh Philip D. Tubo (Gr. 8 Faber)

ii. Biology. Semi-Finalist: “Banana Peel Activated Carbon as Water Filter”

Research proponents: Chrisly C. Jumamil, Helene Shoshana DR Kong, Therese Lorelie M. Lapitan, Renzo Brylle DR Sontillano, Maycee Jade N. Toribio – all from Gr. 8 Faber

iii. Physics. 3rd Place: “Use of Seebeck Effect in Harnessing Thermal Energy From Boilers”

Research proponents: Neil Ryan A. Agosila (Gr. 9 Campion), Ben Nadzmier L. Bensali (Gr. 9 Campion), Christianne Claire G. Catadman (Gr. 9 Campion), Patrick Dale Angelo C. Rivera (Gr. 9 Campion), Joshua Rommel H. Vargas (Gr, 10 Xavier)

Research coaches: Ms. Leila G. Lim, Ms. Sheryl Anne T. Basa and Mr. Jeffrey O. Jalani

4. Activities and Events for July 25 – 30 (Intramurals and Ignatian Week)

a. 25, Monday * 7:30 AM Mass of St. Ignatius and Service Awards (PE Uniform)

* 10AM Opening of Intramurals (PE Uniform)
* 8AM – 3:45PM Intramurals Day 1 (PE Uniform/Sports attire) 
* Submission of Test Drafts to Department Chairs

b. 26, Tuesday * 8AM – 3:45PM Intramurals Day 2 (PE Uniform/Sports attire)

* Nutrition Month Contests/Activities:
8AM – 10AM Gr. 7: Healthy Snacks for Lactating Mothers (Food Lab.)
8AM – 10AM Gr. 8: NutriChant (Function Room, 3rd Floor)
9AM – 10AM Gr. 10 Purchasing (KCC Mall)
10AM – 12 NN Gr. 10 Cooking (Food Laboratory) 
1PM – 3PM Yoga for Beginners (Open to all) (AVR 2)
* Blood Letting Activity (AVR 1)
* Selling Challenge 2 (Gr. 9 Digipreneurship) (JHS Lobby)

c. 27, Wednesday * IGNACIO VIEWING at KCC Mall (Grs. 7 – 9: PE Uniform; Gr 10 YSEP attire)

* Submission of Test Drafts to the Assistant Principal for Academics
* 9:45AM – 12nn Career Orientation Talk at AVR 1: (JHS reps: Gr. 10 Xavier)
No practices at the campus for Junior High School students

d. 28, Thursday * 8AM – 3:45PM Intramurals Day 3 (PE Uniform/Sports attire)

* Selling Challenge 2 (Gr. 9 Digipreneurship) (JHS Lobby)

f. 29, Friday * UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY (Anticipated Feast of St. Ignatius)

g. 24, Saturday * 1st Parent-Teacher Conference.
St. Ignatius of Loyola

5. Founder of the Society of Jesus (1491-1556)

Iñigo López de Loyola was born to a noble Basque family in Castile. He spent his youth as a courtier and later a soldier. Trained in the code of honor and chivalry, he was ready with his sword to avenge any slight against his dignity or the interests of his master.

In 1521 he was severely wounded in battle. While recovering in his family castle, he asked for something to read. All that was available was a collection of pious lives of the saints. In time he was inspired by these stories, imagining what a great honor it must be to serve the glory of God. When he had recovered he made a pilgrimage to the Catalonian Shrine of Our Lady at Montserrat. There, after an all-night vigil, he laid his sword on the altar and became a soldier of Christ.

Ignatius studied in Paris to become a priest. While there he exhorted a group of fellow students to join him in forming a new religious order, dedicated to renewing and serving the Church in any way their services might be required. This was the nucleus of what became the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. The order was officially recognized in 1540, and Ignatius became its first superior general.

The Jesuits soon spread throughout the globe on perilous missions to Asia, New Spain, and Protestant England, renewing the vitality of the Church through Ignatius’s principle of “contemplation in action.” In fifteen years the order increased from ten members to a thousand.

Ignatius died on July 31, 1556. He was canonized in 1622.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG). For the greater glory of God.”

The motto of St. Ignatius