Artwork by: Ms. Ionee Bel Garcia
Starlight Shimmers, Faith Aflutter: Whispers, Wonder, ADZU’s Light Gathers
Sing carols softly, with voices low, as Zamboanga’s stars set aglow. ADZU Jesuits gather near, embracing faith with festive cheer. Eyes like embers, dimmed with time, yet wisdom’s spark remains sublime, Mike, with ninety winters’ lore, guides souls to heaven’s sheltered shore.
Jeff weaves a spell with trinkets, embers gleam, sparking wonder, spirits stream. Transforming branches, bare and brown, to realms of marvel, souls astound. Richard’s hand, a guiding hold, as laughter rings, like tales of old, Sprightly Rex and Gerard’s glee, with youthful hands, adorn the tree. Gold garlands, like angels’ hair, drape twigs with a whispered prayer, And Buddy, with a twinkle keen, lights the bulbs, a radiant scene. Ekku, mindful, ever-wise, adds starlight to the moonlit skies, Rene, with jolly zest, readies gems for souls he blessed. Fledgling Ernald takes his flight, on sturdy rungs that reach the light, To crown the tree, a beacon bold, of hope and love, in stories told. Then with cell phone as his brush, Atong paints the splendid rush, Capturing mirth and beauteous grace, in pixels of this sacred space. From manger scene to joyful hymn, our voices rise, a chorus brim, Of love and hope, on wings of song, where faith and peace the night prolong. For in this dance of joy and light, a deeper story finds its birth, Of God-made-Man, the Gift of Grace, reflected in each and every face. This blessed night, the guiding Star, shines forever, near and far. We Jesuits sing our mighty praise to our King who saves the human race.
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My heart brims with gratitude for your generous support and steadfast guidance throughout the year.May the joy and peace we nurture at Ateneo de Zamboanga continue to light our path in the coming year, guiding us through new challenges and steering us toward a future aglow with radiance, all sustained by the eternal hope found in Christ our Savior.
And from our community, where faith and laughter intertwine, the AdZU Jesuits extend our warm and joyous Christmas greetings to you.Felices Pascua y Prospero Año Nuevo!