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AdZU is RIGHT on track!

AdZU is RIGHT on track!

Finding ourselves in the middle of a public health crisis, Ateneo de Zamboanga University remains true and committed to its mission to educate and form men and women to be of service to God and country by providing them with the RIGHT learning experience.

Enrollment for Summer Intersession is now OPEN!

What is AdZU RIGHT Learning Approach?


Addressing the demands of our present social reality and the needs of our students, our academic and formation programs will be made accessible through:

  • Available online platforms (AdZU E-Class portal, Google Classrooms)
  • distribution of learning modules and packets to students with poor internet connectivity


Our courses will grant students greater control to adapt the learning process to their individual pace and situation. Instruction through independent learning modules will thus be student-centered and self-directed to facilitate discipline, responsibility, genuine love for learning — virtues that will set our future graduates a cut above the rest.

AdZU Learning is GUIDED.

AdZU teachers and formators will provide the necessary guidance, support and encouragement to ensure the progress and achievement of our students through regular consultations, virtual class discussions, and pre-recorded video lectures.
Though we may be physically apart, our teachers and formators are with your every step of the way.

AdZU Learning is HOLISTIC.

Virtual formation sessions, spiritual recollections and retreats, masses, and counseling sessions will be offered to ensure that the over-all wellness of our students is promoted. Structures and activities to nurture community engagement and solidarity will be launched as a vital source of mutual support, companionship and strength for our AdZU family. We affirm that in AdZU, we are never alone, and we are all in this together. This is cura personalis in action.

AdZU Learning is Technology-Assisted

AdZU will boldly carry out the mission to educate and form our students despite physical distancing limitations by maximizing available technologies, online platforms, and telecommunications networks, without disenfranchising students who lack resources of connectivity.