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ADZU Grade School LIMPIEZA Contra Dengue

ADZU Grade School LIMPIEZA Contra Dengue

The whole ADZU community had a clean up drive dubbed “AdZU Limpieza Contra Dengue” last September 17, 2010. In the Grade School, the activity was held in the morning from 8:00 to 11:00.

The re-launch of our Solid Waste Management Program was done along this event. The rise of dengue cases in the city and the country was connected with our non-observance of hygiene and cleanliness. A room-to-room information campaign on waste management and segregation was conducted prior to the clean-up proper. To facilitate the activity the following will be observed:

Preparatory to Grade I

  • orientation on proper waste disposal
  • information on the importance of hygiene and cleanliness
  • classroom-based activities

Grades II – III

  • orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation
  • importance of hygiene and cleanliness
  • cleaning of one’s own room

Grades IV – VI

  • orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation
  • importance of hygiene and cleanliness
  • cleaning of own classroom, immediate surroundings, assigned areas

Parents and/or Guardians in the waiting areas c/o PTA

  • orientation and information campaign on waste management and segregation
  • importance of hygiene and cleanliness
  • cleaning of assigned areas

All the grade school students, teachers and parents took an active part in this important university wide activity.

Muchas Gracias na todos for making this activity a successful one.