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AdZU Grade School First Communion


Chantal Paige U Vargas of VI-St. Alexander Briant bagged the Bronze Medal in the 15th International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) held in Hailiang Education Park, Zhejiang, China.

Photo Credit: Hazel Vargas

AdZU Grade School Holds First Holy Communion

The Ateneo de
Zamboanga University Grade School held the traditional First Holy Communion for
117 young souls last Sunday, 23 September 2018 with university president, Fr.
Karel S San Juan SJ as main celebrant.

Present were the first communicants’ parents, relatives friends and the entire
Ateneo Grade School family headed by its principal, Mrs Liza M. Garrido.

Posted by:
Ateneo Grade School Communications Office

Grade Six Student Places Seventh in the
National On-The-Spot Poster Making Contest

Zhameena M Tawasil of the Grade 6 St Nicholas Owen placed 7th in
the recently concluded National On-The-Spot Poster Making Contest held at the
Skyview Room of Grand Astoria Hotel last September 20, 2018. She bested other
participants coming from different regions of the country.

The contest’s theme was, “Our Actions
are our Future: A #Zero Hunger World by 2030 is possible.”

Posted by: Ateneo Grade School Communications

Photo Credit: Roniel Soriano