The AdZU Data Protection Office (DPO), in coordination with the Chaplaincy Office and the Campus Ministry Office, conducted a basic orientation seminar for all our Physical Plant Office (PPO) and University Security Office (USO) Personnel on Data Protection last December 4, 2021.
PPO and USO personnel went through the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the Safe Space Act of 2019 to increase awareness of the laws and prevent violations of it within the campus. Equally important is an orientation on Ignatian Spirituality.
All these trainings are important to foster a safe community for all AdZU stakeholders.
The half-day orientation was conducted In two batches with the support of the management of Aloha Agency who provided refreshments for all who attended. The Campus Ministers Paul Miole, Gernalyn Potestas, Sheila Agan, and Kevin Jimera, Vice Presodent for Administration and Vice President for Formation Staff Cristopher Chiong and Dean Taytay, the University Chaplain Fr Francisco Parilla, SJ and the Data Protection Officer Fr Richard V Ella, SJ organized and facilitated the orientation.