14 March 2020
In view of the City Mayor’s declaration and as a preventive action to ensure the well-being of all members of the University community, I am cancelling all classes and activities and suspending work starting Monday, March 16 until further notice as part of the AdZU Safety Protocols inview of the covid-19 public health crisis. This includes final examinations, graduation and completion ceremonies, and other year-end activities.
Consequently, faculty, staff and students are not to report to our campuses unless they have special permission from their respective unit heads. For the Salvador Campus, only Gate 1 willserve as entry and exit points for both vehicles and pedestrians.
The academic unit heads (i.e., principals and deans) in coordination with their respective vice presidents shall put in place schemes to ensure the integrity ofstudents’academic standings forthe 2nd semester or 4th quarter. They will issue specific advisories for their respective units, including information on those approved for graduation, honors, and awards.
For necessary University operations, the office heads (especially Finance Office, HRADO, PPO, CITS, and Security) shall work out a limited office schedule with a skeleton workforce. The same arrangement may be carried out with student services units under the supervision of the vice presidents for basic and higher education units. In lieu of Sunday mass at the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an online liturgical service will be made available for thetime being.
I urge the University community to use responsibly this time off from work or classes by staying home and avoiding places or activities that may put your health or your family members at risk. I also enjoin you to stay calm and refrain from reacting to unverified information. As explained by our medical experts from the AdZU School of Medicine, the most vulnerable population in this disease are those with comorbidity or pre-existing medical conditions. Thus, in addition to hygienic practices (like frequent hand washing and avoidance of touching the face), it isimperative to stay healthy with good nutrition, adequate sleep, and physical exercise, and to strictly practice social distancing.
Please check regularly AdZU’s website and official social media accounts for updates, specificinstructions, or more detailed information on university activities such as admissions, registration, tuition fee payments, testing services, hotline numbers, among others.
Lastly, in these challenging times, as a community, let us pray fervently for the afflicted, those who care for them, our leaders, and our people.
Thank you.
University President
MEMO 19-20:34