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ADZU Colleges welcome freshmen

The AdZU Office of the Student Affairs, in partnership with the different student organization volunteers, student services, and colleges, welcomed the freshmen on June 6-7, 2014.

The College Freshmen Orientation Program (ORSEM) is the first formal activity that the freshmen experience as they enter AdZU college. The program’s primary goal is to help the new students familiarize themselves with the new policies and guidelines as well as the requirements of a particular school or college. Basically, the ORSEM aims to help the students adjust to college life in a Jesuit Institution. The event is also an opportunity for new students to initially experience the Ateneo Spirit and the core values that will help them in their journey with the Ateneo.

The highlights of the ORSEM were the ‘Ateneo 101’, ‘College Convention’ ‘Blue Roots’, ‘Moments with God’ and the ‘Org Fair’.