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ADZU CGCO to host Regional Conference on Counseling

The College Guidance and Office (CGCO) is set to conduct the 5th Regional Conference on Counseling on October 8 to 10. 2009 at the Carlos Dominguez Conference Hall (CDCH), Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City. This year the theme is “Affirming the School Counselor’s Role in Student Achievement.”

Dr Imelda Virginia G Villar, current President of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA), Inc., will be the keynote and plenary resource speaker for the said conference.

The CGCO has been hosting the Regional Conference on Counseling for five years now, with the intention of establishing the role and contribution of guidance and counseling in the development of the school counseling profession in Region IX.

The conference fee will be Php 2,000.00. For concerns or queries, you may contact us through telephone (062) 9910871 local 2223 or 2015 and look for Ms Mellany Narvasa. You may email us at counseling_adzu@yahoo.com.ph.