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ADZU Centennial Jubilee Awareness

13 October 2009




The 03 July 2009 launching of the AdZU Centennial Jubilee along with the Sesquicentennial Jubilee (Return of the Jesuits) was an excellent start of our celebration.  There’s need, however, to sustain the jubilee awareness and celebration.  I would like to invite the whole Ateneo community to participate in the many activities of our renewal, re-commitment and re-charging of our energies to accomplish the goals of our celebration.

This schoolyear (SY 2009-10), we will focus on the theme around excellence, and in the succeeding schoolyears, on spirituality and citizenship.

For now, I would like to bring to your attention the following concerns:

1)  conscious effort to come up with activities and programs to celebrate the Centennial Jubilee (and Sesquicentennial Jubilee – at least for this year);

2)  integration of and bringing to life the jubilee theme (e.g., excellence) in your activities and programs;

3)  participation of our community, units and subunits in these activities and programs; and

3)  use of our centennial logo in official activities where it is appropriate (e.g., communication, advertisements, publications, school programs).

Thank you for your cooperation.


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 09-10: 30