Truly, a history.
The first ever Basic Education (BEd) Play was held last November 15, 2019 at the Kreutz Campus. Almost three hundred faculty and staff came to participate in the different sports activities prepared by the Formation Core Group of the unit led by Bro Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ.

The one-day sports fest aims to open communication lines between the three basic education units to harmonize curriculum across all levels and deliver excellence. The event also opened avenues for camaraderie, sportsmanship as teachers and staff from different units collaborated to form the four teams inspired from the four significant places of conversion in the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola – Loyola, Pamplona, Manressa, Montserrat. It also paved a way for a unit to unit partnership. Lastly, faculty and staff proved that they also have the agility, flexibility and endurance in the field of sports.
Geared with their banners and loudest cheers, the three units marched for the opening parade. Basic Education Formation Coordinator, Bro Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ warmly expressed his delight for the day’s event. In his welcoming message, he highlighted the importance of having balance in everything we do. He also stressed the importance of camaraderie that is cultivated among everyone and is generated by being together, even if there is a competition with one another.
Liza Garrido, Grade School Principal and Fr Arnel Ong, SJ, Junior and Senior High School Principal led the ceremonial torch lighting. After which, Fr Stephen T Abuan, SJ, Vice-President for Basic Education officially declared the opening of the BEd Play. It was followed by the athletes’ oath of sportsmanship led by Mr. Erwin Pelayo, Athletics Coordinator.

Sports plays an important role in holistic formation not only for the students, but for the teachers as well. AdZU has always been on the forefront of using sports as a medium for values formation and development for students; now, it has been extended to the faculty as well.
This activity will hopefully be the first of many to come and this may be the start of a tradition.
One of the most awaited activities during the BED Play is the cheer dance competition, where in each unit showcased combinations of jazz, hip-hop, and Pinoy novelty-themed dance presentations. The Senior High School, hailed as the champion, with their Hermosa-inspired performance. The Grade School grabbed the 2nd place, followed by the Junior High School in the 3rd spot.
The faculty and staff are not just talented and intelligent individuals inside the four corners of the classroom. They are also active, athletic, skilled, and wise. Hence, they competed in the following sports, Volleyball, Basketball, Table Tennis, Badminton and Softball.
Salutations to all the winners and participants who sported their way to the top while having fun and enjoyment. Kudos to our Assistant Principals for Formation who worked hard to facilitate the teams and coordinate with the contestants, as well as the staff who projected a competitive outlook all throughout the event. The friendly competition is truly a treasure. It’s a history.

Photos: Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ, Patrick Ray Tan and Achmad Xenon Kong of The Oculus Publications and Vista de Aguila Photographers Bai Ashanti Buzra Laja and Georgi Dondoyano.