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Admission and Retention Policies

School of Management and Accountancy
Accountancy Department


After admission to the BSA Program, the student, regardless of year level, must maintain good moral character at all times. He/She must adhere to the rules of conduct imposed by Ateneo in its College Student’s Handbook. At the same time, he/she must adhere to the rules, regulations, and policies imposed by the School of Management and Accountancy. He/She shall always act in a manner that will uphold the honor, dignity, and prestige of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and the Accountancy Program and must meet the following requirements to stay in the program and obtain the corresponding BSA degree:

Minimum GPA (for every semester or summer of study)2.0
Minimum Final Grade:
– In CPA Board Related subjects:
Accounting 201 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P1)
Accounting 202 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P2)
Accounting 205 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P1)
Accounting 206 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P2)
Accounting 230 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P1)
Accounting 240 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P2)
Accounting 315 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P3)
Accounting 250 (Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting, P1)
Accounting 311 (Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting, P2)
Accounting 314 (Management Accounting, P1)
Accounting 316 (Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-profit Entities and Specialized Industries)
Accounting 214 (Accounting Information System)
Accounting 411 (Management Accounting, P2)
Accounting 500 (Internship/Accounting Thesis)
Accounting 600 (Synthesis)
Accounting 412 (Management Consultancy)
Accounting 416 (Fraud and Forensic Accounting)
Accounting 610 (Integrative Course 1: Theory of Accounts)
Accounting 620 (Integrative Course 2: Practical Accounting 1)
Accounting 630 (Integrative Course 3: Practical Accounting 2)
Accounting 640 (Integrative Course 4: Management Advisory Services)
Accounting 650 (Integrative Course 5: Business Law and Taxation)
Accounting 660 (Integrative Course 6: Auditing Theory)
Accounting 670 (Integrative Course 7: Auditing Problems)
Auditing 310 (Assurance Principles, Professional Ethics and Good Governance)
Auditing 320 (Applied Auditing)
Finance 211 (Financial Management, P1)
Finance 212 (Financial Management, P2)
IT 131 (IT Concepts and Systems Analysis and Design)
IT 152 (Audit in CIS Environment)
Law 111 (Obligations and Contracts/Civil Code)
Law 102 (Law on Business Organizations and SEC)
Law 113 (Negotiable Instrument and Insurance)
Law 114 (Sales, Agency, Bailments and Labor Laws)
Tax 111 (Principles of Taxation/Income Tax)
Tax 112 (Transfer and Business Taxes/Planning)
– Business Education subjects:
Economics 101 (Principles of Economics w/ TLR)
Economics 111 (Microeconomic Theory and Practice)
Economics 112 (Macroeconomic Theory and Practice)
Finance 100 (Basic Finance)
Management 101 (Business Organization and Management)
Management 104 (Human Behavior in Organization)
Management 201 (Production Management and Quality Control)
Management 205 (Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance)
Management 220 (Business Policy and Strategy)
Marketing 100 (Principles of Marketing)
Math 101 (College Algebra)
Math 104 (Business Statistics)
Math 121 (Mathematics of Investments)
Math 123 (Quantitative Techniques in Business)
Math 125 (Business Calculus)
– General Education subjects;
English 098 (Basic Grammar and Composition)
English 111 (Reading and Composition)
English 112 (Research and Academic Writing)
English 211 (Public Speaking and Debate)
Others (Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology, Humanities, Religious Studies, FFP/NSTP, PE, IT111, IT121, Sociology, Psychology, Filipino, Foreign Language, History and Rizal courses)
1.5 1.0

When the BSA student gets into any of the situation below, the corresponding action will be applied:

GPA is less than 2.0The student is disqualified to continue in the BSA Curriculum and is advised to shift to another course.
Final Grade in any CPA Board related subjects is less than the required grade of 2.0 but not 0.00 (F).The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and meet the required final grade. However, the student is only allowed to retake the subject once. The student is allowed only a maximum of two major subjects to be retaken from third year to fifth year of his/her study.
Final Grade in any Business Education subjects and English subjects is less than the required grade of 1.5 but not 0.00 (F).The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and obtain the required final grade. However, the student is only allowed to retake the subject once. The student is allowed only a maximum of two subjects (either Business Education and/or English subjects) to be retaken during his/her entire period of study.
Final Grade in ANY of the subjects enrolled is 0.00 (F) or WF.The student is disqualified to continue in the BSA Curriculum and is advised to shift to another course.
List of Prerequisite Subjects
Acctg 201Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 1None
Acctg 202Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 2Acctg 201
Acctg 230Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 205Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 240Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 2Acctg 230, Math 121
Acctg 206Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 2Acctg 205
Acctg 250Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 1Acctg 230
Acctg 311Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 2Acctg 250, Acctg 240
Acctg 314Management Accounting, Part 1Acctg 206, Acctg 240
Acctg 315Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 3Acctg 240
Acctg 316Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-Profit Entities & Specialized IndustriesAcctg 250
Acctg 214Accounting Information SystemIT 131, Acctg 315, Acctg 311, Acctg 314, Fin 211
Acctg 411Management Accounting, Part 2Acctg 314, Fin 211, Math 123, Math 104
Acctg 500Internship/Accounting ThesisAud 310, Acctg 214, Acctg 411, Fin 212, Tax 112, Law 114
Acctg 600SynthesisAud 310, Acctg 214, Acctg 411, Fin 212, Tax 112, Law 114
Acctg 412Management ConsultancyAcctg 411, Fin 212
Acctg 416Fraud & Forensic AccountingAud 310, Acctg 214, Acctg 411, Fin 212
Acctg 610Integrative Course 1 (TA)Acctg 315, Acctg 500
Acctg 620Integrative Course 2 (PA1)Acctg 315, Acctg 500
Acctg 630Integrative Course 3 (PA2)Acctg 311, Acctg 500
Acctg 640Integrative Course 4 (MS)Acctg 412, Acctg 500
Acctg 650Integrative Course 5 (BLT)Law 114, Tax 112, Acctg 500
Acctg 660Integrative Course 6 (AT)Aud 310, Acctg 500
Acctg 670Integrative Course 7 (AP)Aud 320, Acctg 500
Aud 310Assurance Principles, Professional Ethics & Good GovernanceAcctg 315, Acctg 311, Acctg 314, Fin 211
Aud 320Applied AuditingAud 310, Acctg 411, Acctg 214, Fin 212
Engl 235Technical Writing: Business ApplicationEngl 111, 112, 211, Acctg 230
Fin 211Financial Management, Part 1Fin 100, Acctg 240, Acctg 250
Fin 212Financial Management, Part 2Fin 211, Acctg 315, Acctg 311, Acctg 314, Math 123, Math 104
IT 111Information Technology/ Word Processing/ SpreadsheetNone
IT 121Fundamentals of Database Theory & PracticeIT 111
IT 131IT Concepts & Systems Analysis & DesignIT 121, Acctg 202
IT 152Audit in CIS EnvironmentAcctg 214, Aud 310, Fin 212, Acctg 411
Law 111Obligations & Contracts/Civil CodeAcctg 201
Law 102Law on Business Organization & SECLaw 111
Law 113Negotiable Instrument & InsuranceLaw 111
Law 114Sales, Agency, Bailments & Labor LawsLaw 111
Mgt 101Business Organization & ManagementNone
Mgt 104Human Behavior in OrganizationMgt 101
Mgt 201Production Management & Quality ControlMgt 104, Mrktg 100
Mgt 205Social Responsibility & Corporate GovernanceMgt 104, Mrktg 100, Law 111
Mgt 220Business Policy & StrategyMgt 201, Mgt 205, Acctg 314, Fin 211, Acctg 311, Acctg 315
Tax 111Principles of Taxation/Income TaxationAcctg 201
Tax 112Transfer & Business Taxes/PlanningTax 111, Acctg 311, Acctg 314, Acctg 315


After admission to the BSAT Program, the student, regardless of year level, must maintain good moral character at all times. He/She must adhere to the rules of conduct imposed by Ateneo in its College Student’s Handbook. At the same time, he/she must adhere to the rules, regulations, and policies imposed by the School of Management and Accountancy. He/She shall always act in a manner that will uphold the honor, dignity, and prestige of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and the Accounting Technology Program and must meet the following requirements to stay in the program and obtain the corresponding BSAT degree:

Minimum GPA (for every semester or summer of study)1.75
Minimum Final Grade:
– In Professional subjects:
Accounting 201 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P1)
Accounting 202 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P2)
Accounting 205 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P1)
Accounting 206 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P2)
Accounting 230 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P1)
Accounting 240 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P2)
Accounting 315 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P3)
Accounting 250 (Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting, P1)
Accounting 314 (Management Accounting, P1)
Accounting 500 (Internship/Accounting Thesis)
Accounting 214 (Accounting Information System)
Accounting 316 (Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-profit Entities and Specialized Industries)
Auditing 330 (Internal Auditing)
Finance 211 (Financial Management, P1)
IT 131 (IT Concepts and Systems Analysis and Design)
IT 132 (Computer Application for Accountants)
Law 111 (Obligations and Contracts/Civil Code)
Law 102 (Law on Business Organizations and SEC)
Law 113 (Negotiable Instrument and Insurance)
Law 114 (Sales, Agency, Bailments and Labor Laws)
Tax 111 (Principles of Taxation/Income Tax)
Tax 112 (Transfer and Business Taxes/Planning)
– Business Education subjects:
Economics 101 (Principles of Economics w/ TLR)
Economics 111 (Microeconomic Theory and Practice)
Economics 112 (Macroeconomic Theory and Practice)
Finance 100 (Basic Finance)
Management 101 (Business Organization and Management)
Management 104 (Human Behavior in Organization)
Management 201 (Production Management and Quality Control)
Management 205 (Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance)
Management 220 (Business Policy and Strategy)
Marketing 100 (Principles of Marketing)
Math 101 (College Algebra)
Math 104 (Business Statistics)
Math 121 (Mathematics of Investments)
Math 123 (Quantitative Techniques in Business)
– General Education subjects:
English 098 (Basic Grammar and Composition)
English 111 (Reading and Composition)
English 112 (Research and Academic Writing)
English 211 (Public Speaking and Debate)

Others (Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology, Humanities, Religious Studies,
FFP/NSTP, PE, IT111, 121, Sociology, Psychology, Filipino, Foreign Language, History and Rizal courses)



When the BSAT student gets into any of the situation below, the corresponding action will be applied:

GPA is less than 1.75The student is disqualified to continue in the BSAT Curriculum and is advised to shift to another course.
Final Grade in any Professional, Business Education or English subjects is less than the required grade 1.5 but not 0.00 (F).The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and meet the required final grade.
Final Grade in ANY of the subjects enrolled is 0.00 (F) or WF.The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and obtain the required final grade. However, the failed subjects must not be more than 9 units in any given semester.
List of Prerequisite Subjects
Acctg 201Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 1None
Acctg 202Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 2Acctg 201
Acctg 205Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 230Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 206Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 2Acctg 205
Acctg 240Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 2Acctg 230, Math 121
Acctg 250Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 1Acctg 230
Acctg 314Management Accounting, Part 1Acctg 240, Acctg 206
Acctg 315Financial Accounting & Reporting, Part 3Acctg 240
Acctg 316Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-Profit Entities & Specialized IndustriesAcctg 250
Acctg 214Accounting Information SystemIT 132, Acctg 315, Acctg 314, Fin 211
Acctg 500Internship/Accounting ThesisAud 330, Acctg 314, Acctg 315, Fin 211, Tax 112, Law 114
Aud 330Internal AuditingAcctg 206, Acctg 240, Acctg 250, Mgt 205
Fin 100Basic FinanceNone
Fin 211Financial Management, Part 1Fin 100, Acctg 240, Acctg 250
IT 111Information Technology/Word Processing/SpreadsheetNone
IT 121Fundamentals of Database Theory & PracticeIT 111
IT 131IT Concepts & Systems Analysis & DesignIT 121, Acctg 202
IT 132Computer Application for AccountantsIT 131, Acctg 202
Law 111Obligations & Contracts/Civil CodeAcctg 201
Law 102Law on Business Organizations & SECLaw 111
Law 113Negotiable Instruments & InsuranceLaw 111
Law 114Sales, Agency, Bailments & Labor LawsLaw 111
Mgt 101Business Organization & ManagementNone
Mgt 104Human Behavior in OrganizationMgt 101
Mgt 201Production Management & Quality ControlMgt 104, Mrktg 100
Mgt 205Social Responsibility & Corporate GovernanceMgt 104, Mrktg 100, Law 111
Mgt 220Business Policy & StrategyMgt 201, Mgt 205, Acctg 314, Acctg 315, Fin 211
Tax 111Principles of Taxation/Income TaxationAcctg 201
Tax 112Transfer & Business Taxes/PlanningTax 111, Acctg 314, Acctg 315


After admission to the BSMA Program, the student, regardless of year level, must maintain good moral character at all times. He/She must adhere to the rules of conduct imposed by Ateneo in its College Student’s Handbook. At the same time, he/she must adhere to the rules, regulations, and policies imposed by the School of Management and Accountancy. He/She shall always act in a manner that will uphold the honor, dignity, and prestige of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and the Management Accounting Program and must meet the following requirements to stay in the program and obtain the corresponding BSMA degree:

Minimum GPA (for every semester or summer of study)1.5
Minimum Final Grade:
– In Professional subjects:
Accounting 201 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P1)
Accounting 202 (Fundamentals of Accounting, P2)
Accounting 230 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P1)
Accounting 240 (Financial Accounting and Reporting, P2)
Accounting 205 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P1)
Accounting 206 (Cost Accounting and Cost Management, P2)
Accounting 314 (Management Accounting, P1)
Accounting 411 (Management Accounting, P2)
Accounting 401 (Operational Auditing)
Accounting 316 (Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-profit Entities and Specialized Industries)
Accounting 412 (Management Consultancy)
Accounting 550 (Accounting Thesis/Practicum)
Finance 211 (Financial Management, P1)
IT 141 (Information Management and Control)
Law 111 (Obligations and Contracts/Civil Code)
Law 112 (Law on Partnership/Corp & SEC)
Law 113 (Negotiable Instruments/Insurance)
Tax 111 (Principles of Taxation/Income Tax)
Tax 112 (Transfer and Business Taxes/ Tax Planning)
– Business Education subjects:
Economics 111 (Microeconomics Theory and Practice)
Economics 112 (Macroeconomics Theory and Practice)
Elective Subjects:
Entre 311 (Intro to Entre/Project Identification)
Management 312 (Special Topics in Management and Marketing)
Management 208 (Cooperative Management and Accounting)
Management 218 (Franchising and Strategy Formulation)
Management 300 (Global/International Trade)
Finance 203 (Risk Management and Business Forecasting)
Finance 100 (Basic Finance)
Management 101 (Business Organization and Management)
Management 104 (Human Behavior in Organization)
Management 201 (Production Management and Quality Control)
Management 205 (Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance)
Management 220 (Business Policy and Strategy)
Marketing 100 (Principles of Marketing)
Marketing 201 (Marketing Management)
Math 101 (College Algebra)
Math 121 (Mathematics of Investments)
Math 104 (Business Statistics)
Math 123 (Quantitative Techniques in Business)
– General Education subjects;
English 098 (Basic Grammar and Composition)
English 111 (Reading and Composition)
English 112 (Research and Academic Writing)
English 211 (Public Speaking and Debate)
Others (Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology, Humanities, Religious Studies,
FFP/NSTP, PE, IT111, 121, Sociology, Psychology, Filipino, Foreign Language, History and Rizal courses)
1.5 1.0

When the BSMA student gets into any of the situation below, the corresponding action will be applied:

GPA is less than 1.5The student is disqualified to continue in the BSMA Curriculum and is advised to shift to another course.
Final Grade in any Professional, Business Education, or English subjects is less than the required grade of 1.5 but not 0.00 (F).The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and meet the required final grade.
Final Grade in ANY of the subjects enrolled is 0.00 (F) or WF.The student is given the chance to retake the said subject and obtain the required final grade. However, the failed subjects must not be more than 9 units in any given semester.
List of Prerequisite Subjects
Acctg 201Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 1None
Acctg 202Fundamentals of Accounting, Part 2Acctg 201
Acctg 230Financial Accounting Theory & Practice, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 240Financial Accounting Theory & Practice, Part 2Acctg 230, Math 121
Acctg 205Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 1Acctg 202, Fin 100
Acctg 206Cost Accounting & Cost Management, Part 2Acctg 205
Acctg 314Management Accounting, Part 1Acctg 206, Acctg 240
Acctg 316Accounting for Gov’t, Not-for-Profit Entities & Specialized IndustriesAcctg 314
Acctg 401Operational AuditingAcctg 240
Acctg 411Management Accounting, Part 2Acctg 314, Fin 211, Math 123,
Math 104
Acctg 412Management ConsultancyAcctg 411
Acctg 550Accounting Thesis/PracticumAcctg 411, IT 141, Tax 112, Law 112
Fin 100Basic FinanceNone
Fin 211Financial Management, Part 1Fin 100, Acctg 240
IT 111Information Technology/Word Processing/SpreadsheetNone
IT 121Fundamentals of Database Theory & PracticeIT 111
IT 141Information Management & ControlIT 121
Law 111Obligations & Contracts / Civil CodeAcctg 201
Law 112Law on Partnership/Corporation & SECLaw 111
Law 113Negotiable Instrument & InsuranceLaw 111
Mgt 101Business Organization & ManagementNone
Mgt 104Human Behavior in OrganizationMgt 101
Mgt 201Production Management & Quality ControlMgt 104, Mrktg 100
Mgt 205Social Responsibility & Corporate GovernanceMgt 104, Mrktg 100
Mgt 220Business Policy & StrategyMgt 201, Mgt 205, Acctg 314, Fin 211
Tax 111Principles of Taxation/Income TaxationAcctg 201
Tax 112Transfer & Business Taxes/PlanningTax 111, Acctg 314

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

All bonafide students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Corporate Management and Entrepreneurial Management are expected to meet the academic requirements stipulated in the retention policy set by the School of Management and Accountancy to be able to stay in the course curriculum and/or program.

All First Year – The Students enrolled on their first year must meet the following conditions to stay in the course to include summer of study.

ItemsBusiness Administration
Minimum Grade in Business-Related Subjects1.0
Business-Related SubjectsManagement 101 Math 101
Finance 112 Management 102
Management 104 Entrepreneurship 300
Marketing 103 Economics 111
ConditionsIn cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the student will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for one semester.

In cases when the student is not able to meet the grade requirement for the stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject only once. However, failure of subjects must not be more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when the student failed in the retake or failure is more than 6 units in a semester of study, the student will be advised to shift to other programs where he/she may qualify.

All Second Year – The students enrolled during their second year must meet the following conditions to include summer of study.

ItemsBusiness Administration
Minimum Grade in Business-Related Subjects1.0
Business-Related SubjectsManagement 201 Accounting 131
Finance 102 Math 122
Accounting 121 English 218
Economics 102 Entrepreneurship 311
Math 121 Free electives
Management 218 / EM 310
ConditionsIn cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the student will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for one semester.

In cases when the student is not able to meet the grade requirement for the stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject only once. However, failure of subjects must not be more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when the student failed in the retake or failure is more than 6 units in a semester of study, the student will be advised to shift to other programs where he/she may qualify.

All Third Year – The students enrolled during the junior year will already be classified into either BSBA in Entrepreneurial Management or BSBA major in Corporate Management depending on the grades reported for the first and second year of studies. It is expected that the students during the junior year must meet the following conditions to include summer of study.

ItemsBSBA major in Entrepreneurial ManagementBSBA major in Corporate Management
Minimum Grade in Business-Related Subjects1.01.0
Business-Related SubjectsEM 300
Marketing 202
Management 208
Accounting 141
Law 101
Math 123
EM 309
EM 312
Law 102
Law 114
Math 104
Tax 101
EM 313
EM 314
Free Electives
Management 300
Marketing 202
Accounting 141
Math 123
Law 101
Management 208
Management 205
Management 210
Entre 312
Law 102
Law 104
Math 104
Tax 101
Free Electives
ConditionsIn cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the student will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for one semester.

In cases when the student is not able to meet the grade requirement for the stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject only once. However, failure of subjects must not be more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when the student failed in the retake or failure is more than 6 units in a semester of study, the student will be advised to shift to other programs where he/she may qualify.

In cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the student will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for one semester.

In cases when the student is not able to meet the grade requirement for the stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject only once. However, failure of subjects must not be more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when the student failed in the retake or failure is more than 6 units in a semester of study, the student will be advised to shift to other programs where he/she may qualify.

All Fourth Year – The students enrolled during the senior year must meet the following conditions.

BSBA major in Entrepreneurial ManagementBSBA major in Corporate Management
Minimum Grade in Business-Related Subjects1.01.0
Business Related SubjectsEM 301
EM 315
Law 113
Tax 102
Free elective
EM 316
Management 204
Entre 316
Law 113
Tax 102
Free Electives
Entre 317
ConditionsIn cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum grade requirements in both WPA and stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject to be able to meet the required passing grade.In cases when the student is not able to meet the minimum grade requirements in both WPA and stated business-related subjects, he/she will be allowed to retake the subject to be able to meet the required passing grade.

For shifters, the following conditions should be met:

1.) WPA of at least 2.0.
2.) General Scholastic Aptitude (GSA) score of at least 474.
3.) No failing grade of more than 6 (six) units.
4.) No more than 2 (two) retakes in a Business-Related Subject.

Effective for incoming freshmen of School Year 2011-2012 and thereafter


New Enrollees/Freshmen
HS Average
Entrance Score
Qualified for enrolment as determined by Admission Office
Shifters from other ADZU Programs
Failing grade
Not more than six units
Not more than six units
Transferees from other schools:
GPA-PAASCU Accredited




Other Requirements:

  1. Transferees from other schools must have passed the interview to be given by the Department Chair and the SMA Dean
  2. Submission of the Certificate of Good Moral Character
  3. BSAT and BSMA graduates who would proceed to BSA must have at least a GPA of 2.00 and must have passed the interview conducted by a committee for the purpose.



After admission to the BSA Program, the student, regardless of year level, must maintain good moral character at all times. He/she must adhere to the rules of conduct imposed by Ateneo in its College Student’s Handbook. At the same time, he/she must adhere to the rules, regulations and policies imposed by the School of Management & Accountancy. He/she shall always act in a manner that will uphold the honor, dignity, and prestige of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and the Accountancy Program and must meet the following requirements to stay in the program and obtain the corresponding BSA degree:

Minimum WPA (for every semester or summer of study)


Minimum final grade :

  • in CPA Board related subjects:

Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Business Law,
Finance 211, 212, IT 131, 141, 151

  • Business Education subjects:

Management, Marketing, Economics, Finance,
Information Technology, Math 101, 104, 121, 123, 125

  • General Education subjects:

Others (Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology,
Humanities, Religious Studies, FFP/NSTP, PE, IT 111, 121
Sociology, Psychology, Filipino, and History)

80% 75%

When the BSA student fails to meet the above mentioned requirement, he/she:


WPA is less than 80%

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Final grade in any CPA Board related subjects is between 75% – 82%

Student is given the chance to retake the said subject only once, under the condition that the average of the first take and the retake will be 83% and above.
The student is allowed only a maximum of two major subjects to be retaken during the period (first year to fourth/fifth year) of his/her study.

Final grade in any CPA Board related subjects is less than 75%

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Final grade in any Business Education subjects and English subjects is less than the required grade but not below 75%

Student is given the chance to retake the said subject and obtain the required final grade. (No averaging of the first take and the retake).Only one retake is allowed.
The student is allowed only a maximum of two subjects (either Business Education and/or English subjects) to be retaken during the entire period of study.

Final grade in any Business Education subjects and English subjects is below 75%

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Final grade in other general education subjects is below 75%

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Effective for enrollees of school year 2007-2008 and thereafter.


After admission to the BSMA Program, the student, regardless of year level, must maintain good moral character at all times. He/she must adhere to the rules of conduct imposed by Ateneo in its College Student’s Handbook. At the same time, he/she must adhere to the rules, regulations and policies imposed by the School of Management & Accountancy. He/she shall always act in a manner that will uphold the honor, dignity, and prestige of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and the BSMA Program and must meet the following requirements to stay in the program and obtain the corresponding BSMA degree:

Minimum WPA (for every semester or summer of study)


Minimum final grade (for every semester or summer of study):

– Professional subjects
Accounting, Taxation, Business Law, Practicum
Finance 211, 212, IT 141,

  • Business Education subjects:

Management, Marketing, Economics, Finance, Elective,
Information Technology, Math 101, 104, 121, 123

  • General Education subjects:

Others (Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology,
Humanities, Religious Studies, FFP/NSTP, PE, IT 111,
Sociology, Psychology, Filipino, and History)

78% 75%

When the BSA student fails to meet the above mentioned requirement, he/she:

(for every semester/summer of study)

WPA is 75% – 77%

Student is considered probationary in the program. He/she is given the chance to continue in the BSMA curriculum. If the succeeding WPA is still below 78%, the student will be disqualified and is to be advised to shift to another course.

WPA is less than 75%

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSMA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Final grade in any Professional subjects is less than 80%

Student is given the chance to retake the said subject only once, under the condition that the average of the first take and the retake will be 80% and above.

Final grade in any Business Education subjects, English subjects and other general education subjects is less than the required grade but not below 75%

Student is given the chance to retake the said subject and obtain the required final grade. (No averaging of the first take and the retake).Only two retakes are allowed.

Final grades of 74% and below in Business Education subjects, English and other general education subjects exceeded six units

Student is disqualified to continue in the BSMA curriculum and is to be advised to shift to another course.

Effective for enrollees of school year 2007-2008 and thereafter.

All bonafide students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Corporate Management and Entrepreneurial Management are expected to meet the academic requirements stipulated in the retention policy set by the College of Management and Accountancy to be able to stay in the course curriculum and/or program.

All First Year – The students enrolled on their first year must meet the following conditions to stay in the course to include summer of study:


Business Administration

Minimum Grade in Business Related
Business Related SubjectsManagement 101 Math 101
Finance 112 Management 102
Management 104 Entrepreneurship 300
Marketing 103 Economics 111
Psychology 102
ConditionsIn cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the students will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for another semester.

In cases when the students are not able to meet the stated grade requirement for stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject once provided however, the failure is not more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when failure is more than 6 units per semester of study, the student will then be advised to shift to other courses where they may qualify.

Special Condition: (To qualify in BS in Entrepreneurial Management, the student should not fail in any of the business related subjects enumerated above.)

All Second Year – The students enrolled during their second year must meet the following conditions to include summer of study:


Business Administration

Minimum Grade in Business Related Subjects75%
Business Related SubjectsManagement 201 Accounting 131
Finance 102 Math 122
Accounting 121 English 218
Economics 102 Entrepreneurship 311
Math 121 Free Electives
Management 218 / EM 310
ConditionsIn cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the students will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for another semester.

In cases when the students are not able to meet the stated grade requirement for stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject once provided however, the failure is not more than 6 units per semester of study.

In cases when failure is more than 6 units per semester of study, the student will then be advised to shift to other courses where they may qualify.

Special Condition: (To qualify in BS in Entrepreneurial Management, the student should not fail in any of the business related subjects enumerated above.)

All Third Year

The students enrolled during the junior year will already be classified into either BS in Entrepreneurial Management or BSBA major in Management depending on the grades reported for the first and second year of studies. It is expected that the students during the junior year must meet the following conditions to include summer of study:


BS in Entrepreneurial Management

BSBA major in Management

Minimum Grade in Business Related Subjects75%75%
Business Related SubjectsEM 300Management 300
Marketing 202Marketing 202
Management 208Accounting 141
Accounting 141Math 123
Law 101Law 101
Math 123Management 208
EM 309Management 205
EM 312Management 210
Law 102Entre 312
Law 114Law 102
Math 104Law 104
Tax 101Math 104
EM 313Tax 101
EM 314Free Electives
Free Electives
ConditionsIn cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the students will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for another semester. In cases when the students are not able to meet the stated grade requirement for stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject once provided however, the failure is not more than 6 units per semester of study. However, failure after the retake the student will then be advised to shift to other course where the student qualifies.In cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum WPA grade requirement, the students will be allowed to continue but will be placed under probationary status for another semester. In cases when the students are not able to meet the stated grade requirement for stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject once provided however, the failure is not more than 6 units per semester of study. However, failure after the retake the student will then be advised to shift to other course where the student qualifies.

All Fourth Year The students enrolled during the senior year must meet the following conditions:


BS in Entrepreneurial Management

BSBA major in Management

Minimum Grade in Business Related Subjects75%75%
Business Related SubjectsEM 301Management 204
EM 315Entre 316
Law 113Law 113
Tax 102Tax 102
Free ElectivesFree Electives
EM 316Entre 317
ConditionsIn cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum grade requirements in both WPA and stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject to be able to meet the required passing grade.In cases when the students are not able to meet the minimum grade requirements in both WPA and stated Business related subjects, they will be allowed to retake the subject to be able to meet the required passing grade.

Note: (If a student showed exemplary performance (WPA is above the required grade of 80% and without any failure during the third year level), the student qualifies to earn the degree of BSBA major in Corporate Management.) This retention policy is made effective starting school year 2007-2008 Management Department

Shifting Policy Students from other courses can shift to BS in Business Administration provided the following conditions are met:

  • No failure of greater than 6 units during the semester.
  • No failure in Business related subjects stated in the retention policy of BS Business Administration curriculum/program.

This shifting policy is made effective starting school year 2007-2008