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Admin Cluster Main Menu at ADZU Website

To:  The University Community
Re:  Admin Cluster Main Menu at ADZU Website

Greetings of Peace!

In order to have an easier and convenient access regarding administration cluster services, news and updates, we have added an Administration Tab at the main menu of our website.  When you click on this tab, the following sub-menu will be shown:

  • Finance, Security, Purchasing Office, Physical Plant, Information Technology, Business Resource, Invitation to Bid and Concessionaries.
  • Aside from the basic information provided for each offices, the following new data and features can be found in the sub-menu.
  • Permit to Stay Form – this is a downloadable form at the main Admin sub-menu which should be secured by office staff working beyond office hours and submitted to the AP Admin Office for approval.
  • Emergency Call Numbers – these are cellphone numbers which you can call during emergency and is listed at the Security Office sub-menu.  These phones are limited to receiving calls only.
  • Garage Sale items – disposable but usable items stored at our Divisoria property which can be bought at bargain prices by employees on a first-come, first-serve but limited basis is listed at the Purchasing and Custodian Office sub-menu.
  • For Lease/Rental properties – these are properties of the University which can be leased out to interested parties.  It is listed at the new Business Resource Office sub-menu.
  • Invitation to Bid – another new sub-menu which announces University projects open for bidding and a listing of the requirements for those interested to bid.
  • Concessionaries – this new sub-menu list down the requirements to be a concessionaire, our current concessionaries and other updates/regulations governing accredited concessionaires of the university.

We hope that this updated Admin Cluster main menu help in our effort to provide immediate and quality service to all stakeholders of the University.

In Christ,

Fr. Richard V. Ella, SJ
Asst. to the President for Administration