Municipal Leadership and Governance Program (MLGP) Bridging Leader Fellows from cycles 1 and 2 of AdZU’s Center for Leadership and Governance (ACLG) gather to chart possible engagements and convergence for the future in the Alumni Learning Forum held last December 6, 2019 at Dakak Park and Beach Resort, Dapitan City.
In partnership with Department of Health – Center for Health Development and the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF), and organized by ACLG with the help of Department of Health Region IX (DOH RIX) Health Leadership & Governance Program Coordinator Teresita Dela Cruz, the forum was facilitated by Institutional Learning Manager Mary Rose Jean Poa from ZFF and Brian Joseph Bañgo ACLG Program Officer.

Since 2014, Bridging Leader Fellows have undergone rigorous classroom sessions and practicum; making health programs and services work for the people in the communities, especially the poor. This year’s learning forum is organized to celebrate their experiences and insights as Bridging Leader Fellows and create a community of practice.

MLGP Cycle 1 is a two module, 12-month program that is based on theZFF Health Change Model for achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for health. In attendance were Municipal Health Teams composed of the Local Chief Executive/Municipal Mayor, Municipal Health Officer (MHO), Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO) and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (MSWDO).

Cycle 2 focused on achieving the Primary Health Care, Philippine Health Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals by improving the local health system. It ran with three modules during an 18-month period. It also included the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) on Health. It aimed to strengthen the convergence of the health team in the municipality to eventually attain the goals of the Philippine Health Agenda (PHA). In the 5 years of MLGP, it is important to recognize and put value to the bridging leader fellows’ work on improving the health systems in the municipalities. With the advent of the Universal Health Care Law, it becomes more relevant to recognize the various strategies in sustaining the gains of their local health systems and learn from them to be able to meet the challenges ahead.

Participants of the forum include San Miguel Mayor Angelito Martinez II, Dumalinao Mayor Junaflor Cerilles and Municipal Health Officer Dr Patrick Kean Toledo, Tungawan Mayor Carlnan Climaco and Municipal Health Officer Corazon Pelegrino, Imelda Municipal Health Officer Dr Myrna Salomes, DOH RIX Director Dr Emilia Monicimpo, ZFF Account Officer Jasmin Ahmad, PDSO John Enrilou Go, DMO-IV Gloria Oracoy, ZFF Project Assistant – Zamboanga del Norte Ma Jerry Elopre, PDOHO Pharmacist Kathleah Lagare, and Medical Officer III Ellaine Jean Erfe.