Campus Ministry Office (CMO)

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The Campus Ministry Office conducts spiritual formation and renewal programs inspired by the Ignatian Spirituality.


A God-centered family fostering Ignatian values. Spiritual formation and transforming communities, with a continuous dialogue, respect and harmonious relationship with others.


Inspired by the value of humble service, we commit to cater to the spiritual formation and capacity development needs of our college students and communities through retreats, recollections, inter-faith dialogue, liturgical and para-liturgical services, capacity building and other spiritual, renewal and apostolic programs.

Core Values

A. Human Dignity- acknowledging the value of the person as a son or daughter of God; seeing the person as God sees him/her and to allow the person to become the person he/she called to be by God. Acknowledgment of human dignity manifests in the giving of personal care to each person (Cura Personalis)

B. Friendship – establishing relationships by one own initiative and free will as God, by his own Initiative and free will, has entered into relationship with his people, and who continuously reaches out to us.

Friendship is the seed of companionship. To be in a companionship is to be with those who share the same desire, that is, to know, to love, to follow Jesus and to labor with him.

C. Generosity – acknowledging one’s giftedness as a person and extending oneself to others to share this giftedness abundantly; it is the heartfelt giving of oneself and what one has for the greater glory of God.

D. Magis – Magis means “More.” It is that inner drive to do more in everything; It is that inner drive to make things and life better for people, in whatever situation one finds oneself in

E. Honesty – a value of openness; the act of acknowledging and accepting the truth of oneself, of others, and the world

F. Humility – a value of inner security before God and others: acknowledging and using one’s giftedness without being self-righteous of boastful. It is a simple acknowledgment of what one can do and of what one cannot do.

G. Peace – it is acknowledging the gift of the Risen Christ and the basic Islamic teaching on the way of peace. The Peace of God is the manifestation of the presence of the Kingdom of God within and among us. The Peace of God, then, invites us to work for Justice in our families, in our communities, in our society, and in the world at large. For, there is no peace, if there is no justice.

H. Laudato Si – creation of God; A value that connects one to God, the Creator. God also speaks in and through Nature. God in Nature speaks of the person’s interconnectedness to other living things and hence, calls us to be responsible for their protection and preservation.

Meet the team!

Kevin Roy P Jimera


April Gay M Rivera

Office Support Staff

Justin Rose A Dela Vega

Retreat Coordinator

Juliet Marie A Bairula

Assistant Retreat Coordinator

Deli Dell A Damasin

Second Year Recollection Coordinator

Gernalyn T Potestas

Third Year Recollection Coordinator

Sheila T Agan

ARO Coordinator

Aurelli Maria Bettina A Lim

Special Programs Coordinator

Datu Akmad Duran

Muslim Affairs Coordinator

Center for
Information and Technology Services