About Ateneo de Zamboaga University

The AdZU Seal

Parts of the AdZU Seal

1. The Scalloped Edges (Nine)
The nine scalloped edges which surround the seal symbolize the nine values that AdZU faculty, staff, students, and alumni embody.

2. The Circle
This circular space encloses the elements of the seal.

3. The Ribbons
The crown ribbon bears the School motto in Latin: “Pro Deo et Patria.” The base ribbon contains the School name: “Ateneo de Zamboanga”.

4. Pro Deo et Patria
The school motto Pro Deo et Patria – For God and Country.

5. The Jesuit Monogram
Bears the first three letters of the name of Jesus in Greek – Iota, Eta, Sigma or JES.

6. The Cross and Nails
Found within the Jesuit Monogram, these symbolize Jesus Christ’s Holy Passion.

7. The Glorious Sunburst
Emanating from the name of Jesus are the blue and white rays that signify his gifts and grace for all.

8. The Coat of Arms
At the center of the shield is the coat of arms of the Oñaz family, the maternal line of St Ignatius, red diagonal stripes against a field of gold presented diagonally from the top left to the bottom right.

9. The Cross and Vinta
Found within the shield, the cross represents the Christian character of the school, while the vinta symbolizes the diverse culture in south-western Mindanao where the school is located.

10. The Two Wolves and Two-Eared Pot (Lobos y Olla)
Or in Spanish, Lobos y Olla, from which the name Loyola is contracted, signify generosity and strength in war.

11. The Torch and Book
The lighted torch atop an open book inside the shield symbolizes the light and knowledge of education.

12. The University Name
The name of the school – Ateneo de Zamboanga.

You may download the official AdZU Seal here