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Grade School

Grade Point System
Application for New Students
Authorization Form

Senior High School

SHS Application Form
SHS Scholarship Form

College Admissions and Aid Office

Admissions Bulletin of Information
Freshmen Application Form (Page 1)
Freshmen Application Form (Page 2)
College Scholarship Application Form

College of Nursing

PRC Requirement OR TR

School of Medicine

Application Form

Human Resource and Development Office

Basic Education Rank Form
Higher Education Rank Form
Academic Staff Rank Form
Service Staff Rank Form
Maintenance Staff Rank Form
Request for Plane Ticket
Travel Form
Absentee Slip for 2 days & Less
Leave Application Form
Official Travel Form
Request for Overtime
Sick Leave for 2 days & less
Sick Leave Form

Finance Office

Request for Payment

Alumni Relations Office

Alumni Pledge Act
Hail! Ateneo Hail!
Blue Eagle – The King
El Animo Ateneo

Physical Plant Office

Job Order Form
Job Requisition Form (2019)
LRC Garden Form
Gym AdZU Form
Backfield Form
Manuel Sauras 301 & 302 Forms
Manuel Sauras 401, 402 & 403 Forms
Sauras Conference Hall Form
Keys Inventory Form

Property Custodians Office

Office Supplies – Price List

Office of Student Affairs

In-Campus Parent’s Consent and Waiver Form
Out-Campus Parent’s Consent and Waiver Form
Student Activities Policy Statement on Moderators

University Communications Office

Press Release Template
Job Order for Colored Printing (INEO+200)
Job Order for Laser Printing (INEO+368)
Publicity and Promotions Request Form
Official AdZU Seal
AdZU Mascot Waiver Form
Guidelines on the Use of the AdZU Mascot
Consent, Waiver & Release Form for Photo, Video and Voice Recording

School of Liberal Arts

Lesson Feedback Form
Faculty Update Form

Social Awareness and Community Service Involvement (SACSI)

SACSI Tao Award Application Form
SACSI Tao Award Mechanics