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Policy on Information Technology (IT) Equipment Acquisition, Replacement and Upgrade

I – Policy Statement

This policy sets the
Ateneo de Zamboanga University’s protocol on matters pertaining to the
acquisition, replacement, and upgrade of University-owned and managed IT
resources. It is established to clarify, streamline and enforce guidelines and
processes for a more efficient and cost-effective management of the
University’s IT resources.

II – Definitions

1) Inventory
– List of IP-based IT equipment being maintained by CITS.

2) IP-based IT
equipment – an IT equipment that can be connected through the local area
network that has a unique identification number.

3) IT equipment
– computers, printers, switches, hubs, and other related electronic computing
and communicating devices.

4) Standard
computer – a computer with specifications (what is the processor, disk
storage size, RAM capacity, etc) set forth by the CITS.

5) Standard
configuration – pertains to the contents of a standard computer that
determines how the computer will be utilized.

6) Unit –
pertains to academic department or unit, university support office,
administrative office, central service unit, etc.

III –Management of IT Resources

1. The Center of
Information and Technology Services (CITS) manages the IT resources of
Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU). Among its mandate is to ensure that
faculty and staff are provided with the technology resources and technical
support needed to efficiently perform their respective job functions and to
maintain alignment with the University Strategic Plan.

Thus, it is the primary
goal of the CITS to guarantee that the University IT facilities and resources
are effectively managed, appropriately deployed, efficiently utilized, and
timely replaced.

1.1 Specific Objectives

a) Ensure that faculty and staff have access to computing needs to
fulfill their work responsibilities.

b) Ensure that appropriate computing resources are available in
university offices in support of AdZU’s vision and mission.

c) Establish a centralized budget that provides basic computing
resources for AdZU employees.

d) Maintain compatibility of computer systems with the computer applications
used by different Units.

e) Streamline the specification, acquisition, and deployment of new
equipment and redeployment or disposal of old equipment.

f) Keep an inventory of IP-based IT equipment.

2. CITS Standard Operating Procedure

    Specifically, the CITS, as part of its standard operating procedure (SOP), is
tasked to:

 a) Define a standard computer and determine
the technical features based on the needs of the unit.

 b) Recommend and approve purchases of the IT

  c) Select appropriate IT equipment and
provide assistance so that the computer assigned to the office have sufficient
capacity to meet the unit’s needs.

 d) Maintain an accurate inventory of all
University IT equipment in order to track assets and identify those that are
slated for replacement in a way that supports resource planning and gives
priority in future replacement cycles to those computers not upgraded or

 e) Schedule, coordinate and execute the
replacement process while complying with applicable rules and regulations for
the acquisition and redeployment of the equipment involved in replacement

 f) Communicate and arrange with the Unit the
logistics needed to complete the replacement processes.

 g) Verify the computer inventory to be
replaced each year, including submission of any correction or addition to CITS.
If something is overlooked, it can either be acquired during the next purchase
cycle, or the Unit can submit a new purchase request.

h) Choose a replacement for each of the computers
to be replaced or coordinate with the Unit to select a replacement
configuration. Replacement equipment will be selected from the lists of
standard equipment provided by CITS. Brand shall not be a consideration only
functionality and utility. For instance, an Apple Mac shall not be
automatically be replaced with an Apple Mac or a branded PC with another
branded one.  Once the Unit representative submits the request for a
replacement computer, CITS will check its inventory for availability, and will
deploy one that is most suited for the needs of the requesting party. If there
is no suitable replacement in their inventory,  CITS will advise the Unit
to procure a new one.  

IV –Guidelines and

1.  All computers and IT
equipment purchased by any​ unit ​of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, are
 ​owned by AdZU, unless otherwise stipulated  ​in a specific written
contract  ​by an external funding agency.

2.  AdZU, through CITS, reserves the right to determine
if a replacement will be a new IT equipment or be a redeployment from the
CITS’s stock

3. Based on University protocols, all requests for IT
equipment are vetted by the CITS during institutional budget hearings
based on needs, cost and suitability. As a general principle, the CITS shall
redeploy a suitable equipment from its inventory for the requesting party’s
use. Only when there is no available equipment that meets the needs of the
requesting party shall the CITS recommend or approved the purchase of a new

4. CITS ​shall provide technology support only to IT
equipment that meet​s​ predefined software and hardware standards. This means
that IT equipment that do not meet said standards shall not be integrated into
the University’s systems and network.

5. All units should discuss the standard configurations with
the CITS prior to submitting their request forms so that they can be duly
advised on the type of equipmentthat will most effectively meet their needs and
work requirements. No changes or modifications can be made to a request after
it has been approved by the CITS.

6. Individual employees and/or the units are held responsible
for lost or damaged IT equipment entrusted to their care.  Thus, each
employee is expected to take all measures necessary to ensure that the
AdZU-owned IT equipment is utilized and handled properly. Misuse or abuse of
equipment shall be dealt with administratively.

7. All IT equipment should remain in the location where they
have been installed originally. Moving or removing of installed equipment or
rearranging its position shall require prior written notification and approval
of the CITS.

8. Loss or theft of University-owned IT equipment should be
immediately reported to the CITS Tech Support.

V – Replacement,
Upgrade, and Redeployment

1. IT equipment that are replaced or upgraded are the property of
the University.

2. When the units request for a replacement of an IT
equipment, they are not allowed to repurpose or keep the replaced item to
expand the number of computers supported.

3. All IT equipment turned over to CITS will be assessed. If
the IT equipment is deemed appropriate for redeployment, the CITS will:

a) Transfer the asset in the Inventory list;

b) Clean and re-image computers (if it is a computing

c) Load appropriate anti-virus software on computer;

d) Assign to next Unit on the “In-line for Used/Refurbished
Computers” list;

                e) Deliver and install computer to requesting

4. If units are deemed inappropriate for redeployment, CITS

a) Clean IT equipment and breakdown (take apart) in order to
identify working parts

b) Recycle parts to refurbish/repair other IT equipment

c) Turn over to PCO remaining parts for disposal

VI – Purchase of
IT Equipment


a) Individuals and
Units pursuing grants for computing equipment or grants that include IT
equipment should consult the CITS prior to the purchase for configuration
approval. Computing equipment that is purchased with grant funds will become
part of the IT inventory of the University and will be installed, networked and
maintained by CITS staff.

    Purchase of replacement of grant-funded equipment is
subject to approval by the unit head, Property Custodian and the Finance
Office, and the University President or any of his assistants.

c) Faculty members
with funds from research awards or with startup funds may use such to purchase
computers and equipment. The equipment, however, shall belong to the

IT equipment purchases
funded through grants, external programs or other budget resources will be
inventoried and will be subject to AdZU and CITS policiesunless otherwise
stated in the granting agencies contract.


a) Purchase of new
computer IT equipment for laboratories, research and for other special purpose
must be approved by the unit head, CITS, Property Custodian, Finance Office,
and the University President or any of his assistants.

b) Purchase of
replacement IT equipment for laboratories, research and for other special
purpose must be approved by the unit head, CITS, Property Custodian, Finance
Office, and the University President or any of his assistants.

VII – Other

1. Any request for an IT equipment that does not
conform to the standards set by this policy but is needed by a unit for special
academic or research purposes as mandated by law or required by government
regulations should have prior approval of the unit head.

2. In the event the standard equipment does
not meet a specific computer resource requirement, such as in the requirement
for a specific hardware platform, the department may request an exception to
the standard. Requested upgrades to the standard configuration will not be
processed without approval from the Unit head (i.e., Academic Vice President
for the tertiary ed and professional schools, and principals for basic
education) and the CITS. Exceptions are granted on an as-needed basis at the
discretion of the Unit head.

3. Exceptions to this computer replacement
policy, including compelling business needs, should meet the following criteria
and will be evaluated as follows:

a) Technical
Justification – Evaluated based on documented manufacturer’s technical
requirements for hardware, software and peripherals.

b) Cost or
Resource Justification – Evaluated based on verifiable cost or resource

c) Legal or
other mandate – Evaluated based on technical, cost or other factors
identified by the request initiator with approval as needed.

d) Machine
Malfunction – Machines that malfunction due to user-created errors or
mistreatment will be dealt with on

an as-needed basis.

4. The CITS will work with the Units and their IT
point-persons to resolve issues and, when appropriate, will assign temporary
desktop computers as needed and based on the availability of suitable machines.

VIII.  Effectivity

This policy takes effect
on 01/11/2017, and supersedes all previous relevant policies and regulations.

Engr. Eugene Kanindot

Director, Center of Information Technology Services
Ateneo de Zamboanga University