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AdZUHS this week, February 22 – March 5, 2016.

Date:  19 February 2016

Weekly Memorandum No. 2016 – 2.3

TO:                      AdZUHS Community
FROM:                  Father Principal

SUBJECT:             AdZUHS this week, February 22 – March 5, 2016.

1. Principal’s Message:

February 25, 2016 is declared as a national holiday in celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.  Our students, and even many of our faculty members, certainly cannot relate or have no physical memories of what happened, and I believe there is a need to learn from this historical event.

Here’s an excerpt from an editorial that was published in the Philippine Star on February 25, 2014.

“Today the nation remembers the unity that made it possible for Filipinos, using non-violent protest, to topple a strongman who had been in power for two decades. Victims of the atrocities perpetrated during martial law are setting up a center where their stories can be presented and preserved, to remind younger generations of the perils of absolute power.

“Those too young to remember, or who were not yet around when martial law was imposed, must understand what It means to live in the shadow of warrantless raids and arrest, rape, torture and summary execution at the hands of state forces. Many people who went missing under military rule were never found. Filipinos must not forget how absolute power allowed national coffers to be plundered to a degree that required coining a word for a regime that engages in such large-scale corruption: kleptocracy.

“As important as preserving those memories and preventing a return of one-man rule is making the revolution work to empower the people. The revolution did not end after the crowds left EDSA. The end of an oppressive regime was just the start of a long and difficult struggle to build a strong, prosperous nation. . .”

Let us resolve that this commemoration shall not be on a single day of the year, not only in the light of ceremony, but on each and every day of the year.  Let us remember the people who have fought (and those who are at present sincerely fighting) for our democracy and for the attainment of peace in our land.

2. Faculty and Student Updates:

a. National Schools Press Conference. Ms. Myca Dane T. Sapitula, of Gr. 9 Xavier will be in Koronadal City, South Cotabato on February 22-26for the 2016 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC).  As Regional first place winner in the Pagsulat ng Balita (Newswriting), she will be part of the Western Mindanao contingent.  She will be accompanied by Mr. Carlito Robin.

b. * Standards-Based Instruction and Assessment seminar.  The following teachers will be at the Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School (ICAS) on February 27 to attend Rex Bookstore-sponsored Conference focusing on Standards-Based Instruction and Assessment in the light of 21st century literacies:  Christian Jade Encilay Marra Vesagas (English);  Genifer Buckly & Leah Angelic Bilbar (Filipino);  Musin Misuari & Marie Joy Alvarez (Math);  Hajan Amsani & Renz Erica Santo (Science), Rovic John Eslao & Pearl Marjorie Vidal (Social Studies);  Gracely Francisco & Fhadzmalyn Issan (TLE);  Marlyn Rico & Dennis Gaspar (MAPEH), and Gelina Tuangco (Singapore Math).

* Participants are reminded to bring their laptops or tablets.

c. In-Service Training (INSET) for School Administrators and Teachers of ESC Participating SchoolsMr. Jeffrey Jalani, Mr. Carlito Robin, Mr. Espie Atilano, and Mr. Jude Ismael will be in Malvar City, Batangas, on February 24 – 28 for the final trainers’ seminar and workshop.  This training is a program mandated by the GASTPE Law (R.A. 8545) that emphasizes the need for the Department of Education to implement programs to improve the quality of education in the country by maximizing the use of resources in the private education sector.

d. Bros. Geovanie Baco and Arbie Tindugan will be in Cagayan de Oro on February 29 to March, 4, for the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary year-end retreat and evaluation.

3. Activities and Events for February  22 – March 5, 2016

a. February 22, Mon. * 7AM:  Monday Assembly                                                                                                                                  Sponsors:  Sociedad Matematica de Ateneo (SocMat)

Moderator:  Ms. Rona Luz C. Duran

* GS & HS Parent’s Consultation re Proposed Institutional Tuition Fee Increase                      for SY 2016 – 2017, 4PM, 3rd Floor AVR 2.

* Grade 10 Final Exams (Day 1)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              Filipino

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            Science and Technology

(10 minutes break)

10:15 – 11:15 AM          Social Studies

b. February 23, Tue. * Grade 10 Final Exams (Day 2)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              Mathematics

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            TLE (Hands On);  (Specialization – Written)

(10 minutes break)

10:15 – 11:15 AM          MAPEH (Practical)

c. February 24, Wed. * 7AM:  Class Mass c/o Gr. 7 Berchmans (Moderator:  Mr. Rulthan Sumicad)

* Grade 10 Final Exams (Day 3)

8:00 – 9:00 AM              English

(5 minutes break)

9:05 – 10:05 AM            Christian Life Education (CLE)

* “Sa Kaharian ng Araw” Play at AVR 2 (c/o Punlaan)

8AM– 9:30 AM               Grs. 7: Faber, Colombiere, Daniel, Southwell

10AM – 11:30 AM           Grs. 7: Chabanel, Canisius, Berchmans

1PM – 2:30 PM               Grs. 8:  Arrowsmith, Claver, Campion, Bellarmine

2:45 – 4:15 PM              Grs. 8:  De Brito, Pongracz, Regis

d. February 25, Thur. * National Holiday:  EDSA Anniversary

e. February 26, Fri. * City Holiday:  Dia de Zamboanga

* 6th Western Mindanao BIDA Youth Camp (Day 1)

f. February 27, Sat. * 8AM – 12 NN:  AdZU Board of Trustees Meeting

* 6th Western Mindanao BIDA Youth Camp (Day 2)

g. February 28, Sun.       * Arrival of Jesuit Basic Education Conference (JBEC) Delegates

* 6th Western Mindanao BIDA Youth Camp (Day 3)

h. February 29, Mon. * 7AM:  Monday Assembly                                                                                                                                  Sponsors:  Boy & Girl Scouts of the Philippines

Moderators:  Mr. Rulthan Sumicad & Ms. Cristina Alegado

* JBEC Day 1

i. March 1, Tue. *  7:30 AM (Day 1):  Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Ignatius of Loyola

*  Submission of Grades 7 – 9 Test Drafts to the AP Academics

* JBEC Day 2 (Eve:  End of JBEC)

j. March 2, Wed. * 7AM:  Class Mass c/o Gr. 7 Canisius (Moderator:  Ms. Leah Angelic Bilbar))

* 8AM:  Final Deliberations for Grade 10 students

Venue:  Principal’s Conference Room

* 12NN (Day 2):  End of Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Ignatius of Loyola

* 1:30PM:  Academic Management Team Meeting

Agenda:            Planning for Summer In-Service Training Program

Calendaring for SY 2016 – 2017

Assignment of Class & Club Moderators

Departmental Year-end Report

k. March 3, Thu. *  8AM:  JHS Awards Deliberations   Venue:  AVR 1

*  Subject Teachers Submit Grading Sheets to Gr. 10 Moderators

*  JHS Top 10 Awards Deliberations

*  Posting of Promoted Grade 10 students to Senior High School

l. March 4, Fri. * 7AM:  Class Mass c/o Gr. 7 Chabanel (Moderator:  Ms. Kimberly Catague)

*  7:30 AM (Day 1):  Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Jerome

*  4PM:  General Faculty and Staff Meeting

m. March 5, Sat. * 8AM – 11:30 AM:  Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC) for Grades 7 – 9

* 12NN (Day 2):  End of Overnight recollection for Gr. 10 Jerome

4. Lenten Reflections:  Praying in the Desert

James Martin, SJ

It always surprises me how often the Gospels say that Jesus needed to “withdraw” from the crowds, and even the disciples, to pray.  Like all of us, Jesus needed prayer, in his case with the Father.  And while the Gospels don’t afford us much access to Jesus’ inner life, we know that his prayer was real:  that is, he truly sought help from the Father.

We also know that Jesus was really tempted.  After his baptism, the Gospels describe Jesus as being “driven” or “led” into the desert for a period of testing.  In Matthew and Luke we read the familiar incidents of Satan tempting Jesus in three ways:  to turn stones into bread (to feed himself), to throw himself from a high tower (to prove God’s loving care), and to worship Satan (in exchange for power and glory).

Like the most difficult temptations in our lives, Jesus’ temptations were cloaked in apparent goodness.  Why wouldn’t you want to feed yourself? Why not let God show you love?  Why not acquire some wealth and power? The most tempting temptations rarely appear 100 percent evil, for then they would be easy to identify and reject.  After much prayer, Jesus realized that giving into these lures would prevent him from becoming the person he was meant to be.

In the desert of our temptations, our lives can seem dry indeed.  But if we follow the voice of conscience, and remember that God is always with us, we can, like Jesus, reject anything that leads us from becoming the flourishing person God wants us to be.